Example sentences of "[pron] they [verb] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 The Christian community inherited from its Jewish matrix a strong sense of being ‘ called out ’ ( the root meaning of ecclesia ) from the surrounding society which they felt to be possessed by different values .
2 Some years ago The Sunday Times invited parents ( representing a wide range of social backgrounds ) to list the things which they felt to be significant for their children in their years of primary schooling .
3 And , further , ‘ the circumstances in which they came to be made were never reported by journalists . ’
4 This was the activity with which they came to be most closely identified in the first fifty years of their existence .
5 At a summit meeting in June US President Bush and Soviet President Gorbachev formally confirmed that a START treaty , which they expected to be completed by the end of 1990 , would be based on a 30 per cent overall cut in long-range nuclear missiles over a seven-year period .
6 Between the 1st day of July 1987 and the 15th day of October 1987 conspired together and with other persons fraudulently to induce persons to enter into agreements for acquiring or subscribing for securities , namely shares in Blue Arrow plc , by making statements which they knew to be misleading , false or deceptive or by dishonestly concealing material facts or by recklessly making statements which were misleading , false or deceptive namely : 1.1 By failing to notify the Company Announcements Office of the Quotations Department of the International Stock Exchange by way of a Class 2 announcement ( as provided for by Section 6 of the Council of the Stock Exchange 's admission of securities to listing ) following the purchase of shares in Manpower Incorporated for a consideration in excess of 5 per cent of the consolidated net assets of Blue Arrow ; 1.2 By concealing the fact that the level of Acceptances of provisionally allotted new ordinary shares in Blue Arrow was 38.04 per cent at the expiry of the offer by way of rights issue at 3pm on September 28 , 1987 ; 1.3 By concealing the fact that 54,625,000 new ordinary shares in Blue Arrow were taken up after 3pm on September 28 , 1987 ; 1.4 By falsely stating that , in connection with the rights issue of 504.4 million new ordinary shares in Blue Arrow , acceptances had been received in respect of 246.5 million shares which represented 48.9 per cent of the rights issue .
7 At the beginning of August when the heat , humidity and despair reached their zenith in the Residency , when all eyes searched the Collector 's face for the signs of collapse which they knew to be imminent , two babies were born .
8 A special analysis of this showed that a quarter of all people entering unemployment in May 1980 who had found a job within 10 months had taken one which they knew to be temporary .
9 He added : ‘ By murdering 11 men and injuring many others these people have polluted yet more the very cause which they claim to be serving .
10 Bearing in mind that Labour Members have made many promises without costing them , will my hon. Friend tell us whether they have made promises about the environment in which they claim to be interested ?
11 However , it is clear that the parents will often not admit their true feelings about the child and the incident , acting rather in a way which they perceive to be desirable in the circumstances , to gain the return of their children .
12 Only where organisations appreciate the consequences for information resources , which they perceive to be valuable , is that investment likely to be made .
13 They must , of course , take calculated risks from time to time to achieve objectives which they perceive to be right but not universally popular .
14 On the other hand , there were people like Spaak and the Italian premier , Alcide de Gasperi , who were prepared to accept things for what they were , to see the Council of Europe as a first step in the right direction , not an end — and a direction which they believed to be merely inevitable .
15 These scholars tended — seemingly without giving much thought to the matter — to accept the standard ideology and the doctrine of uniformity that is associated with it ; indeed , as we have noticed in chapter 3 , they were also influenced by ideological positions which they believed to be ‘ common sense ’ .
16 But such paradoxes were unlikely to convince businessmen brought up on the economic theory of the ‘ wage-fund ’ , which they believed to be a scientific demonstration that raising wages was impossible and trade unions were therefore doomed to failure .
17 Nonetheless , it seems to me that the rule requires the justices to record and to announce the facts which they judged to be significant in the making of their decision and also the salient considerations which have led them to their conclusion .
18 While a great deal depends upon reform efforts outside the prison system ( and indeed these efforts are often located outside the criminal justice process ) , prison personnel do not have to play the passive roles in which they tend to be cast .
19 It focuses on corporate approaches to managing such staff , e.g. recruitment , selection , appraisal , development , motivation , salary structures , discipline , dismissal and on the characteristics of unions which are recruiting managers , on the extent that managerial unionists experience conflicts of interests between their employer and the union , on the extent to which they tend to be ‘ moderate ’ or ‘ militant ’ and on how managers ' unions relate to other unions .
20 It is a cause of women 's relatively low pay and limits women 's chances by the narrow range of occupations to which they tend to be confined .
21 As the police in both countries in recent years have relied increasingly on notions of professionalism to defend themselves against political attack , so police organizations have asserted themselves more publicly to promote not only their own organization , but also particular policies regarding law and order which they deem to be necessary .
22 New Right economists such as Lees , Friedman and Selsdon have argued that the model , with appropriate modifications , is applicable to health care , which they deem to be a consumption rather than an investment good ( the opposite view to that of Beveridge and the Fabian Socialists ) .
23 Most academics involved in the study and teaching of local government lined themselves up behind the councils which they perceived to be under threat , in a centrally inspired attack on local democracy and local autonomy .
24 examine with reference to their general compliance with these conditions , the several drawings bearing the numbers given in the enclosed list ; and to prepare a statement , giving first the Conditions which they assume to be required in the cases of each of the three classes of designs and secondly , showing whether any and which of the several sets of drawings selected fail to comply with such conditions ; and also in what respect , and to what extent , these conditions are neglected or departed from .
25 Values and principles did not change , he said , but the times in which they had to be applied did change .
26 The year 1890 was that of the Baring crisis , when the partners of Barings , largely through mismanagement of a major transaction in Argentina , found themselves in difficulties from which they had to be rescued by a group of City banks and financial houses organized by the Bank of England .
27 They think , instead , that they stand for ‘ abstract ideas of number ’ , which they take to be the province of their subject .
28 Councillors vary tremendously in the extent to which they expect to be involved in day-to-day matters of administration in the authority .
29 Failure to use these words can lead to a lot of confusion , and provide opportunities for awkward parties to obstruct a reference by questioning the procedure used to arrive at a result which they expect to be unfavourable .
30 Many older people may consider any limitations of activity which they experience to be a result of old age rather than a chronic health problem .
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