Example sentences of "[pron] that [pers pn] [be] to " in BNC.

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1 that intrigued me because it did n't seem to me that it was to be eligible
2 Round up all the children , and tell them that they are to be treated to sweets to celebrate the day .
3 Coffee will be served in the long drawing-room and , if you are to battle with me , may I remind you that it is to be in private .
4 Arthur told the lordly one that it was to be sent to Mr and Mrs Stokes , but Fred knew whom it was tacitly meant for , because he had read in newspaper gossip columns about dukes laying down pipes of port when heirs were born .
5 The witches tell him that he is to be the next king , and instead of leaving the matter to take its natural course , he murders the King , and claims the throne .
6 In East Tyrone , s UDR started the day on a happy note when the Commanding Officer called the Administrative Officer to his office and told him that he was to be promoted to Captain .
7 God spoke on three February mornings to John Reeve , and told him that he was to be the prophet and his cousin was to be Reeve 's mouth .
8 One of these documents had informed her that she was to be attached to a Mr Victor Wilcox , Managing Director of J. Pringle & Sons , for one day a week during the remainder of the winter term , and she had chosen Wednesdays for this undertaking since it was the day she normally kept free from teaching .
9 Do I take it that I 'm to be redeemed from that particular fate ?
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