Example sentences of "[pron] that we [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And they said , well I 'm sorry you know , er take the numbers of the cars , they want me to go round and take the numbers of the cars , phone them back and we will see if we 've got someone that we can send down there !
2 Band member Shawn Stockman adds : ‘ We miss the opposite sex and we all think it would be nice to have someone around , someone that we could love and who would love us .
3 Our experience over the last few years has shown that there is work available in the sectors in which we operate and we have proved to ourselves that we can win business .
4 As I do not suggest or recommend that we reduce our intake to such a very low level , we need not concern ourselves that we will eat insufficient quantities to endanger our health .
5 One of the most difficult things for modern parents is to remind ourselves that we must maintain a life of our own .
6 ‘ Tell that brother of yours that we 'll catch him in the end so he might as well give himself up . ’
7 I thought of life as the Whirlpool of Corrievrikin , where all men struggle helplessly and eventually are sucked into the vortex of death I see that we men have nothing that we can do in this whirlpool except find another creature that will share the hopelessness .
8 We can not sit idly by and watch Yugoslavia tear itself to pieces , watch people being killed in vast numbers , and watch the wonderful archaeological and architectural gems being destroyed , while saying that there is nothing that we can do .
9 But to most people , the greenhouse effect is at best remote — certainly nothing that we can alter .
10 There 's nothing that we can say or do here to add the distinction , to add distinction er to what was done here forty years ago .
11 Erm we made a little mistake with that one because it was a , a very big area , a lot of houses , and er the Crime Prevention Department as it was then , promised everyone that we 'd visit everyone 's house and , and advise them on their security .
12 That 's why I 'm saying to everyone that we should build it with two lanes and no more and so restricting the chance of it ever being a motorway .
13 It occurred to me that we might have been equally misinformed about other things the Germans did .
14 As a result I undergo a bout of conscience , taking the short rod only when Odd-Knut assures me that we will eat whatever we catch , and that we will probably not catch anything .
15 We 've got to sort of create the world , and so forth , and sort of run it , and so on , and , well , try to make some kind of , of , of sort of viable proposition of it , and all the rest of it , and it just seems to me that we can get better results if we treat the , if we treat the sort of , well , for want of a better word , the local inhabitants with a certain amount of , of , of respect , and , and , and trust , and and , if we help them , and and guide them , to the point where they can become sort of independent and sort of self-governing , within the framework of the free , well , of the free , sort of , well , of the , yes , free kind of system that we enjoy ourselves . ’
16 It seems to me that we could learn to rely on a system that could both embrace a wider ability range and discriminate within it more accurately ( both downwards and upwards ) if we adopted the structure of graded tests .
17 I think he came to tell me that we should go to Ireland and that we would be OK . ’
18 The examples in this section are Janus-like , in that the reader may interpret them metaphorically but , in the light of the examples in the previous section , it seems to me that we should interpret them as cases of underlexicalisation .
19 We want to take control of the situation , but it is no use hon. Members like the hon. Member for Kingston upon Hull , West telling me that we should have a conference and then table a Bill and that would be the end of the matter .
20 Er we need to tell them that we 'll take the balance of the first year 's payment through er er on proof , when we when they 've got their proof on on the desk we will take the next the balance of the first year 's payment through a banker 's order .
21 Can I just quite clearly put on record , and it 's a unanimous decision of the board , we wrote to Edinburgh District a few weeks ago , we 've told them that we will use our best endeavours David , to prosecute the application at Hammerston If we get planning consent and we decide that we ca n't afford a new stadium in total , because of the economic situation , we are aggressively re-looking at the redevelopment of Tynecastle .
22 ‘ I have written to the chairmen of all the big banks to tell them that we will run a campaign to urge all students to boycott all banks which take part in the loans scheme .
23 What I , w w what we 've done is we 've assured them that we will provide the level of service that they 've had previously and if need be
24 How can we appeal to part time workers and convince them that we can change things for the better , many of whom are home workers who are working in appalling conditions and often for less than fifty pence an hour ?
25 We have to look at the application er on its merits in the particular erm circumstances and I 'll tell you something which we will certainly have to do erm and I I will say , I will say this in sort of due respect erm , because we are grateful to them that we can see .
26 free to come and go and er there is a contribution that 's held at the back , but here in , in the talk it 's highlighting their various ways , this is one of them that we can keep spiritually awake is by being aware of the need for financial contributions , Jehovah has done much for us through his organization and we can show love for him by full support with our time and finances and then another one look stay awake by showing love to you and act loyal sometimes it 's easier to show love to some in the congregation than others , we naturally have an affinity for one another and certain types of personalities seemed to gel with others do n't they ?
27 No , do n't bother to voice the protest I see forming on your beautiful lips ; it will happen sooner or later , but I agree with you that we must get this business of Garry cleared up first .
28 In an interview last week on the French radio station France Inter 's RadioCom program , Alcatel Alsthom NV president Pierre Suard indicated he did not rule out taking a stake in France Telecom if the latter is privatised by the next administration : ‘ I do n't think the question has been posed today , but when it is , I can tell you that we will study it very seriously , ’ Suard said — ‘ It is essential that France Telecom has a structure that enables it to extend itself beyond France and I think that can come from a new shareholder ; there is industrial logic in the ‘ world 's number one manufacturer of telecommunications equipment ’ owning a stake in a telecommunications operator , ’ he added — ‘ It is the Anglo-Saxon logic ; AT&T is constructed on that basis , but up to now , it has not been European logic , ’ he said .
29 I also take the point Mr has made , and only assure you that we will look at these figures when we get them and take on board the sorts of comments that have just been made by yourself and Mr and by and use them with our judgement applied liberally .
30 The man regarded by Peter Swales , at Manchester City , as a little dull , introduced himself at Oakwell by saying : ‘ It may take a little time , but I can assure you that we will get promotion within three years . ’
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