Example sentences of "[pron] that you [vb base] not " in BNC.

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1 Give it to someone that you do n't like very much .
2 ‘ Ye told me yerself that ye do n't like it here . ’
3 ‘ My coach , Malcolm Arnold , told me that you do n't win gold medals performing like I did in the first round .
4 ‘ Tell me that you do n't refuse completely .
5 It seems plain to me that you do n't love Silas .
6 You tell me that you do n't in fact , sorry , on the Sunday before you killed the animals , you did n't in fact feed them .
7 Thank you for informing me that you do not wish to pursue your initial interest in the above Group .
8 You know like for example if I said come on chaps thank you , erm what you 're actually doing then is confessing to me that you have n't finish off Chapter ten questions .
9 Look , I do n't know why you imagine you have the right to start probing into my personal life , but take it from me that you have n't .
10 You 're gon na have to watch Jean , if anybody offers you them that you have n't already got them .
11 Impress on them that you do n't wan na come out with it short .
12 ‘ There 's a lot more in you that you do n't know about — yet , ’ he said gently .
13 It may seem obvious to you that you do n't love them any less , but it is n't obvious to them — especially if you are in the habit of saying , ‘ You 've been naughty .
14 Crafty , cunning , devious questions to extra information from you that you do n't know you 're giving away . ’
15 And they will tell you that you do n't necessarily have to fish on the priciest beats to find good sport .
16 The sixty five who said no does it worry you that you do n't know or is that quite exciting that you do n't know what you 're going to be doing ?
17 There must have been one , a moment , in childhood when it first occurred to you that you do n't go on for ever .
18 But I do want a chance to convince you that you do n't have to hate me .
19 ‘ I 've already told you that you do n't need to worry about me , Kate .
20 I know something about you that you do not know yourself ’ He paused , again as if to let me prepare myself .
21 Alcoholism is a disease that tells you that you do not have it .
22 Does n't it worry you that you have n't been able really to make an efficient crackdown here and your officers are still suffering attacks ?
23 He realized that experience in the quarrying industry is certainly something that you do n't get rid of .
24 Looking for something that you do n't expect to find is a demoralizing task , and succeeding in finding nothing offers only a dreary satisfaction .
25 The person was older than me and he 's a bit higher up the rank than me and it 's all about it probably comes with experience he 's to stand for yourself really but it 's when you 're our age and a bit younger you do n't want to be seen to be rocking the boat if there 's something that 's going on that you do n't agree with but you 're asked to do something that you do n't want to do valid reasons you have n't got the time or it 's not really up to you to do it
26 Erm the cluster makes you realise how you presented things to people what you can improve them having things in your hand that it it just makes you erm more nervous because you 're fumbling about what makes me more nervous you 're fumbling about with something trying to do something that you do n't really need to do .
27 I know something that you do n't know , I know
28 I know something that you do n't know like , I know that you do n't know
29 In ordinary life , if someone says something that you do not understand , you ask him to explain himself more fully .
30 There must be some affinity between you and the man or woman on the printed page — something that you recognise not because you are ‘ just like that ’ but because you feel that you can interpret the situation with those words .
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