Example sentences of "[pron] that [verb] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Anyway , Broom'ead caused so many problems there that 'is daughter 's ‘ usband told 'er that eivver 'er farvver went or 'e would .
2 There 's a certain look you have when you 're making love to me that shares my anticipation and surprise .
3 Ward was still asleep when I turned right and headed eastwards towards the Andes , the mist a white vapour , the rice fields , the cacti , the occasional trees , all having a weirdness about them that matched my mood and added to my growing fear of what lay ahead , beyond the mountains I could not see .
4 The same as , I , them that buys our 'ouse , they 'll have to pay whatever it cost for 'em to value our 'ouse , see if it 's worth lending money , we 'll have the same thing with er bungalow , down there .
5 For the depressed person , the loss may be of a more ideal kind and may relate to aspects of himself that destroy his security of self-esteem .
6 I 've heard things about you that make my stomach turn !
7 I believe there 's a new film called ‘ Tender Comrade ’ — that title begins to express it ; it 's the comrade in you that makes our passion so deep and yet so clear …
8 He plunged himself into all this and more , avidly reading everything that came his way ; especially poetry , and not least Spanish , Chinese and Japanese poets in translation , but chiefly that of Federico Garçia Lorca and W.B. Yeats , of whom he mused , ‘ I loved Yeats ; his connections ( such an important code-word with Leonard ! ) his rhythms . ’
9 Everything that identified his background was destroyed .
10 Selection is not a matter of having everything that takes your fancy .
11 She gives so much of her time and energy to do anything and everything that comes her way and is also an invaluable link with the Education Office .
12 Everything that comes your way
13 It is often impossible to say what moves you in a poem ; somehow in this poem there is something that touches my heart and links me in sympathy to this Bolivian poet whom I shall never meet .
14 Ca n't you see that if you were to say or do something that caused my father , for example , to die when he was still a little boy , then I should never get round to being born , should I ? ’
15 You landed on something that pierced your leg . ’
16 And with unnerving certainty she knew that something was in the corridor with her — something that blended its colour and shape so perfectly that it was invisible .
17 He jerked his head round and saw something that chilled his blood .
18 She was about to turn and go back when she saw something that made her stop and purse her lips disapprovingly .
19 Just for a moment he met her eyes , his own very dark and filled with something that made her heart start to beat rapidly , high in her throat , yet nothing could have prepared her for the shock of what he said .
20 Her tone was a little agitated for she had also just seen Faustina mount the refreshment table and pick her way delicately among the dishes of the cakes and savouries , sniffing the air , ready to pause and pounce when she came upon something that took her fancy .
21 But there was something that took my attention one night , on one of the shop windows , and I was flashing the torch on the window and he comes up .
22 But he was a bisexual , and his sexuality was something that coloured his life to a great extent and , along with a chronic alcohol problem , contributed to his decline .
23 I was interested in all this for the simple reason that as something that takes your fancy passes you , you only get a glimpse .
24 No , not necessarily , no , an active task is something that takes your department forward , actively improves the way your department runs , which could be something like .
25 But she was n't looking up high enough to see something that shifted my pulse rate along a notch or two .
26 After drawing a blank on Rhodes , I had to write something that justified my travelling expenses , so I made you the villain of the piece .
27 ‘ I 'm always happier when I 'm wearing something that covers my behind ’ Shirlie
28 He laughed and said something that included my name — it stands out from his other noises : blah blah Killer blah blah .
29 If you see something that tickles your fancy you 'll have to force yourself to bring the waiter outside and use sign language .
30 But there are a number of crime novels that make use of the immediate past to excellent effect ( Gladys Mitchell 's Late , Late in the Evening is one ) , and if the root causes of today 's events are something that set your imagination bubbling then perhaps this is the sort of book you would be best to write .
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