Example sentences of "[pron] that [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You can give me that warrant for Demontis .
2 I do n't think there 's many of them that go to football anyway is there ?
3 And he said , It is not the voice of them that shout for mastery , neither is it the voice of them that cry for being overcome : but the noise of them that sing do I hear ’ . ’
4 Them that died of typhoid , that 's where they were put .
5 In his investigations he was like an explorer in an unknown country , examining everything that seemed of interest .
6 Everything that came to mind seemed inappropriate .
7 Tethered in the deep spaces on either side of the stove were the two dogs , Lady and Rosie , one a short-sighted bulldog of uncertain temperament , the other a bloody-minded Great Dane bent on demolishing or devouring everything that came within reach of her snapping teeth .
8 The floor — the planet-would be like a hole in space — a hole that sucked in anything and everything that came within range . ’
9 Hidden in the cost of everything that goes by road in London is a tax imposed by congestion .
10 Basic training and a posting to a Regiment lay ahead , all of it an unknown quantity , and my enthusiasm was so manifest because everything that lay in front of me was so foreign .
11 And there is no one single picture of English history which is absolutely right , in other words there are different interpretations of almost everything that matters in history , but what I wanted to try to do in that social history was to give some account of England 's past which was meaningful to people living in the late erm twentieth century .
12 Scribble down everything that comes to mind .
13 This is both unpleasant and , in my view suspect , — who are these people and did they say everything that appears in print ?
14 At all events , John was singularly successful in the long run at turning his back on everything that smacked of Anglicanism ; he alone of all the Titford brothers managed to cold-shoulder St John 's church for everything except his marriage .
15 When they hear something that sounds like prey , they move their heads until the frequency is the same in both ears , then keep their heads exactly in position and fly straight towards the sound .
16 Mrs Garfitt , fat , voluble and slovenly , paused for breath and gave a perfunctory stir to something that looked like workhouse broth on one of the meatless days .
17 He looked at Alina , wanting to ask her what she 'd done ; but she was standing just out of his reach , and watching him with something that looked like compassion .
18 In some schools you will be asked to participate with other students in basic class work over a weekend ( as happens at the Bristol Old Vic drama school ) and in some you may find yourself being judged partly by senior students of the school who will be sitting with the faculty panel ( which is something that happens at Drama Centre ) .
19 Working at Prince Henry 's Hospital in Melbourne , J. H. Boublik and colleagues found that instant coffee powder ( both the normal and decaffeinated versions ) contained something that specifically-bound to brain opiate receptors .
20 The few people left that Intel Corp has n't non-disclosed about the P5 will be able to glean some details at next months Hot Chips Conference in California : the P5 will be previewed and presentations made on Alpha , a 200-MFLOPS PA-RISC , HyperSparc , the ARM 600 , something that looks like Sun 's Tsunami and LSI 's single-chip 33020 X terminal controller .
21 Or is it gon na be turning into something that looks like analysis of oh right so it 's like listen to yep fair enough listen to er a joke and er well I 'll tell you what , can you speak up a bit so we can actually get the conversation on here because the I 'm sure the British National Corpus would be interested .
22 " The imagination " , wrote Beveridge , " merely enables us to wander into the darkness of the unknown where , by the dim light of the knowledge that we carry , we may glimpse something that seems of interest .
23 But its advocates fail to mention that , in the first place , most disabilities occur after birth from accidents or illness ; secondly , much illness and disability in newborn babies is not inherited , but is the result of something that happened during pregnancy ; and thirdly , that medicine is now moving towards a gene-oriented approach to reproduction and health an approach which increases the occasions for screening and raises the questions , who shall decide who s ’ fit to breed ’ , with which genes , and who 's ’ fit ’ to be born ?
24 A heartbeat before , he had looked at her with blind passion , then with something that bordered on contempt .
25 Manjiku had taken Mr Anthony 's first wife , the island wife , the one that died by drowning .
26 Hormones modify the cells which may become cancerous , rendering them less , or more , likely to do so , but the hormones do not act primarily on the processes which turn any quiescent cell into one that divides without control .
27 Labour offered a deeply dependent and conservative culture , one that derives from acceptance of the unalterable laws , not of the universe , but of a market economy .
28 Medvedev called , in October 1988 , for an ‘ up-to-date conception of socialism ’ , one that took into account the diversity of experience of the other socialist countries and indeed the lessons that could be learned from the capitalist world .
29 The word ‘ sleazy ’ is one that springs to mind .
30 The only one that springs to mind happened at Felton when their goalkeeper and left back got their legs hopelessly tangled and they collapsed in front of Darren Twink who was able to slot the ball home .
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