Example sentences of "[pron] that [noun] could [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There was nothing that Trent could do on deck .
2 Searching around for a related but cooperative proposition that B might be intending to convey , we arrive at the opposite , or negation , of what B has stated namely that Britain does n't rule the seas , and thus by way of Relevance to the prior utterance , the suggestion that there is nothing that Britain could do .
3 And in fact there was nothing that Willis could do about the boxes .
4 There was nothing that Ramsay could do now save return to the castle .
5 But it saddens me that people could send death threats because they do n't agree with something .
6 ( It just goes to show you that Henry could fool anyone , and invariably did .
7 When Rebecca Kraemer remarked , as the last murmurs of the slow movement died away , that it was such a pity the conductor was still following the now-discredited Haas edition , she was telling everyone within earshot — which included half the audience — everything that Alison could have wanted them to know but naturally would n't have dreamt of mentioning herself .
8 It was everything that Burton could have hoped for in the West End at that time .
9 Perhaps even when Liawski had been warden , but that was n't something that Reynolds could expect to remember .
10 Charitable work was also something that daughters could do without prejudicing their chances in the marriage market .
11 ‘ I was mainly concerned with making something that children could enjoy and not feel that this was a special programme for them , avoiding all the twee and awful things people normally put into children 's programmes .
12 She was puzzled only by the unmistakable largesse of the confidence proffered to her , because try as she might , she could not persuade herself that Clelia could talk like this , so wittily and intimately and inquiringly , to everyone ; she could not believe that she could talk like this to many .
13 She told herself that things could have been worse .
14 Councillors and officials will tell him that Orkney could have faced a disaster if the Bettina Danica had been a tanker .
15 The case of Timothy Evans , however , who had been hanged in 1950 after conviction for murder partly on the evidence of John Christie , also convicted and executed for murder three years later , had convinced him that mistakes could occur .
16 First , there is no evidence whatever that Saddam could have been forced out ; sanctions were simply not credible faced with such a despot .
17 He lived in 1935 ( when I last saw him ) in the utmost simplicity , although if he had been a little more conciliatory he could always have earned enough for his comfort — and his wife 's ; but he never valued anything that money could buy as he valued the integrity of his sharp-shooting mind .
18 He could have had anything that money could buy to cure him , but I can see it 's too late now . ’
19 That trip must have revived Nicolae 's memories of his time in Stalin 's Moscow , but the frenzied adulation of Mao surpassed anything that Ceauşescu could have witnessed in the Soviet Union .
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