Example sentences of "[pron] he [verb] were [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The modes which he adopted were such as to licence elisions and lacunae , to enable him to leave out bits of his life — a procedure which would seem to be connected with his scepticism about what can be known about people by biographers .
2 Turning to the protests , he accused General Mohamed Aideed of ‘ choreographing ’ the disturbances which he said were political theatre meant to show his muscle .
3 Most controversially he announced sweeping cuts in commodity subsidies which he said were unavoidable as government subsidies on wheat and petrol had previously amounted to £S1,000 million and £S7,700 million respectively , which simply could not be sustained .
4 He also asked Norman to remove his sandals which he said were hard to draw .
5 He always carried a briefcase bulging with documents which he said were incriminating and were usually irrelevant to whatever accusations he was making .
6 Walter Sisulu , the veteran ANC activist and member of the ANC executive , on March 9 denied allegations made in the South African Parliament and press that the ANC was responsible for the protests sweeping the homelands , which he said were popular revolts against repressive dictatorships .
7 He has unreservedly apologised for last week 's remarks , which he said were loose and inappropriate .
8 He had an impressive set of movements which he said were excellent for dealing with charging horsemen .
9 His work represents the brilliant efflorescence of a dying culture : he pushed that culture together by an act of will , giving it a shape and context which sprang out of his own obsessions , and the certainties which he established were rhetorical certainties .
10 The gods with him and those whom he summoned were powerless to help him .
11 The Laird of Quarrel did not have the slightest intention of sharing the spoils of office with Craigbarnet , but he was unlikely to get anywhere near the office without strong interest , and those upon whom he relied were ready to see the wisdom of returning to the old practice of sharing the office .
12 He consulted a few people whom he thought were good tests of opinion .
13 Those to whom he referred were unlikely to believe that Mosley would stand between them and their destruction .
14 The new men whom he introduced were central to Lanfranc 's plans .
15 What he perceived were human characteristics , above all the truth of the heart .
16 Sometimes , as they encountered new crowds of pole-carrying Annamese peasants jogging ceaselessly between market and rice field , or spilling out of their tiny village temples and pagodas , he felt that what had happened was somehow inextricably bound up with the torrid , exotic country that was so totally unfamiliar to him in all its ways , and other distressing images of the recent past began to flood through his mind ; he saw again the brutal French colon lashing the fallen prisoners between the shafts of the cart in Saigon , remembered the horror he had felt at the sight of what he thought were many massacred coolies on the river wharf on their arrival , and he heard once more the thud of the Citron striking the peasant boy on the way to the hunting camp .
17 He had no vocabulary to ask what he felt were appropriate questions .
18 Building on investigations by Reginald Allender Smith , who had detected what he felt were underground streams crossing beneath standing stones , Guy Underwood distinguished three types of dowsable line in the landscape : ‘ water-lines ’ , ‘ track-lines ’ and ‘ aquastats ’ .
19 These would be aimed at reaching agreement over what he believed were essential changes to the constitution if the refugee influx was to be curbed .
20 Jesus quickly gave the suit what he hoped were precise instructions , waiting until he was sure of the hole 's period of rotation before whispering , ‘ Activate command sequence … .
21 Instead he summoned up the perennial fears on the East Bank of Israeli destabilisation and denounced what he said were Zionist plots to make Jordan a substitute homeland for the Palestinians .
22 What he saw were two mighty puffs of orange-red smoke billowing and rolling through the trees in his direction .
23 The angles and perspectives of what he saw were identical with those in the photograph .
24 He also drew my Attention to what he claimed were certain impurities in the material of my Cupel .
25 Lyalin also gave MI6 bizarre details of what he claimed were Russian plans to sabotage military establishments in Britain prior to the outbreak of World War III .
26 He had fled Romania after having been accused of helping anti-government demonstrators in Bucharest and after having survived what he claimed were three assassination attempts .
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