Example sentences of "[pron] for [noun] [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The prime minister , Harold Macmillan , took refuge behind the usual claim that he could say nothing for fear of damaging national security .
2 Two or three years ago a friend of mine who is a publisher applied to me for help in dealing with a complaint from a man who had bought one of his cookery books .
3 They had come to me for help in extricating themselves from satanism because the high priest had insisted on performing the ‘ Act of Unity ’ with their fourteen-year-old daughter .
4 Without a guide you can follow them for hours without finding your way out of the bush . ’
5 The banks ' role in the economy is thus crucial , and this was underlined when Chancellor Kohl turned to them for help in rebuilding East Germany .
6 They can then use them for withdrawals without worrying about having to take all their money at once .
7 I have a pretty good idea what Charlotte 's just-a-handful of also ran last-among-equals might be , although the press release does not name them for fear of diminishing the glory of Verbier 's triumph .
8 Several hon. Members who spoke after the opening speakers — I shall not name them for fear of causing inter-party embarrassment — said that it was an urgent matter , and I applaud them .
9 The 900 Belgian troops stationed in Kismayu were unable to stop them for fear of hitting the civilians .
10 He 's got friends there who 've moved on to the staff , and he reckons he can pump them for information without making any official waves .
11 ‘ Packaged ’ , ie pre-written , spreadsheet models in use in various parts of Stoy Hayward include one for use in auditing hotel and related businesses , and another for evaluating the savings made by having a company car as opposed to running a private car ( see ACCOUNTANCY March , pp 112 and 113 ) .
12 This chapter is not itself concerned with the mechanics or politics of the matter , the example chosen is merely a convenient one for purposes of illustrating a very common GIS procedure .
13 However , no prizes whatsoever for CUP for publishing Literature and Language Teaching , a title that shares both the aim and the name of the book published by that other university press in 1987 .
14 Claudia said , hardly daring to look at him for fear of betraying how much she loved him .
15 But again I held myself warily at a certain distance , not daring to make contact with him for fear of falling into the kind of trap Dana had prepared for me .
16 But if it decides a question remitted to it for decision without committing any of these errors it is as much entitled to decide that question wrongly as it is to decide it rightly .
17 In the case of Santiaguito , there is little evidence that the dome is actually growing at all — one can sit and watch it for hours without seeing anything more than a few wisps of steam from the top — and it 's quite safe to scramble all over it .
18 ‘ Germans shit on a little ledge and look at it for hours before flushing , ’ says Lady De Marr .
19 I must have walked past it for days without noticing : ‘ For sale .
20 Apart from the inherent improbability that the Lockerbie investigators never thought to ask for it , that it was left to a clerk to print out a copy on her own initiative before the computer wiped the record , only to return weeks later from holiday to find that still no one had asked for it , and that the BKA , after being given the list , sat on it for months before passing it along to the Scottish police , there remained the problem of the FBI teletype which left open the possibility that no such bag from Malta was ever loaded on Flight 103 .
21 They submitted a paper for publication and the editor sent it for reviews before deciding whether to publish it ask for revisions or reject it .
22 My index finger was sleeved in frost and I dared not bend it for fear of splitting the skin .
23 Even among the 3 men who aligned with the UUUC , there was reluctance to identify too closely with it for fear of losing a stratum of middle-class voters more conscious of social status than constitutional complexities .
24 I think he was frightened to give it for fear of hurting me . ’
25 We found the locals do n't like to talk about it for fear of putting off money-spinning tourists .
26 Eventually he falls asleep , one arm outflung across her breasts so that she does not dare move it for fear of waking him , and , constricted , can not sleep herself .
27 For the next four years a great part of my time was spent in secret meditation upon this subject , I could not speak to anybody about it for fear of giving pain .
28 He also suggests a recognition for clubs who , he says , could nominate themselves for achievements in promoting angling , fostering community relations and generally promoting their own region for angling tourism .
29 ‘ People originally came to us for help with choosing wallpapers , paints , fabrics and curtains , but we realised we could give them a much broader service , ’ explains Jon .
30 Thus our falling plasma adrenalin and body temperature in the evening prepare us for sleep by toning us down , just as rising values from 5 o'clock in the morning onwards prepare us for the rigours of a new day .
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