Example sentences of "[pron] i can [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 And in the meantime there 's nothing I can do but hope . ’
2 But , watching this at a distance , there 's nothing I can do but spit and hiss . )
3 ‘ There is nothing I can do or say to save you from the wrath of God , or indeed from the wrath of your own father , poor man . ’
4 But I will trust you , because there are few with whom I can talk as I can talk to you .
5 I believe that if I have one person in each branch whom I can support and direct to implement the branch recruitment strategy we will make some progress .
6 I believe that if I have one person in each branch whom I can support and direct to implement the branch recruitment strategy we will make some progress .
7 Cos I I can understand if we did n't handle it carefully , it could mean people would be more demanding and say , I 'm entitled to go on this training .
8 But if I am going to bring anybody in , then they will have to be somebody I can trust and live in this area . ’
9 I merely want the information upon which I can decide whether refurbishment can go ahead .
10 ‘ I am satisfied that there are no grounds on which I can say that these charges are bad , but with regard to the equity of redemption I am satisfied on the evidence that what Mrs. Wardman did was at the request of and in reliance on her daughter , and under her influence .
11 Dogs which I can see and the icicles of of Ercalyps we are not looking .
12 I 've got some up in the suitcase which I can use but Oh I , I 'll have a look .
13 They were too drunk and crude , I want one man , one master , who I can respect but who wo n't respect me , and who will tell me what to do .
14 ‘ Since this is my boat , I would remind you I can come and go as I please . ’
15 I did n't like it at first cos all the animation was all too fuzzy and wobbly and everything I can remember cos I did n't think it was as good as the Magic Roundabout but then yeah I love it now .
16 ‘ Without knowing what it is I ca n't say — and it 's not something I can rush because the girl wo n't talk if she 's frightened , or she 'll talk but not tell us the truth .
17 Can you nip in the shops I wan na get something I can suck cos it do
18 That is something I can forgive but never forget .
19 But if this works , if I hear something I can use and it works , then we both make money — you now , me later . ’
20 It just ai n't something I can savour or enjoy .
21 Anyone who has served with him at the Department — and I am talking not just about his present ministerial team — knows that he not only brings a greater degree of expertise to his job than anyone I can remember but does it with great inventiveness in terms of improving benefits and with an exceptional degree of compassion and , above all , integrity .
22 so I 'll just have to try and remember to bring an electric drill up an see what I can do but it 's all working .
23 But he came and sorted me out and I asked , I said I 'll see what I can do and I got hold of it and I did it for him .
24 Cos there is not erm , what I can do and arrange with Loretta and that is that er we could probably , mom and I could get out there early to you , and Beth I suppose as well , and erm perhaps go for lunch or something
25 I 've learnt a lot , my job depends on me driving and it 's made me realise how much I can drink , how much I ca n't drink , what I can drink and realising about road accidents .
26 It 's not what I believe in or what I can see and touch that 's the most important , it 's the unseen reality behind physical appearances … .
27 Or rather , Francis is actually going to play soldiers , I 'm sneaking around the place to see what I can see and maybe take a few incriminating photos with my trusty Box Brownie . ’
28 ‘ I 'll see what I can find after we 've eaten . ’
29 ‘ I do what I can to help and one day I would really like a shop full of Green products .
30 ‘ They have asked me to do what I can to help and I am happy to do so . ’
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