Example sentences of "[pron] i [vb past] [vb pp] at " in BNC.

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1 Just as I was writing this book I received a beautiful card from Sue Fuller whom I had met at the Town and Country Festival last year .
2 It was when we had settled down to talk in comfortable armchairs that I told him that the man for whom I had substituted at Marlborough , in the hope of replacing him altogether , now planned to return , so that once more I should be out of a job .
3 To a young doctor like myself , these were my ‘ valuables ’ — the Zeiss Ikon microscope in the scuffed leather case , its precious lenses protected from dust by silk covers ; the glass-lidded box of stainless-steel instruments — retractors , forceps , hooks , scissors and needles ; my much-thumbed copy of that heavy-going but essential tome , Gray 's Anatomy ; manuals of pharmacology and pharmacy ; Belding 's Textbook of Clinical Parasitology and Strong 's Prevention and Treatment of Tropical Diseases , both of which I 'd bought at the last minute in the hope that the young man in John Bell & Croyden in Wigmore Street was right when he assured me that they provided ‘ the answers to all tropical problems ’ ; and some bound volumes of the British Medical Journal which I had picked up cheap in Charing Cross Road .
4 I was pleased at being only a metre behind which I had lost at the start , but it was all really anti-climactic after Stuttgart .
5 I had become quite skilled with harees , that glutinous porridge of lamb and cracked wheat which I had met at my first meal bedu style .
6 He had the bogus Red Cross form which I had seen at Amsterdam on his lap .
7 Like one I 'd had at school .
8 Bunting and Irish flags made a bright display , still celebrating the bicycle race of weeks earlier , the one I had seen at Mullingar .
9 An essay of his I had read at school entitled ‘ Religion without Humanism ’ , from a symposium published under the title of Humanism and America ( 1930 ) , edited by Norman Foerster , had excited scant interest on this side of the Atlantic .
10 Helen asked me to explain what I meant , and listened carefully to the long story of what I had suffered at Gateshead .
11 I started to dig in one corner of it , and I dug for six months , winter months , erm and erm managed a shallow pool which erm was n't what I had envisaged at all , but erm two snipe lived there and liked it .
12 ‘ At Salerno , ’ he continued , ‘ I spent most of my time trying to forget what I had learnt at Cambridge .
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