Example sentences of "[pron] it is that [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I think too that we should reflect upon who it is that receives the blame er when policing falls below the standards which we would all think appropriate .
2 You know who it is that wants to make money on that ?
3 I 've then got rolling I A P's with Rob and whoever it is that got to help us with individual action planning
4 Whatever it is that decides when such changes in fashion , in culture , come about — I 'd say that is the real futurology , the thing to try to predict …
5 It can be used by anyone to improve whatever it is that interests him or her .
6 The basis of their system is self-interest : ‘ Whatever it is that interests the participants , whatever they value , whatever goals they pursue . ’
7 His final reflection was that ‘ such a picture can not be defined at all until we find a way of describing whatever it is that makes first-rate entertainment what it is ’ .
8 I had assumed that it meant the characteristic of being alive , livingness , whatever it is that makes life life .
9 You know , I 'm easy going and I can cope with that , and get on and do the job with whatever it is that 's got to be done .
10 And the truth is that whatever it is that has been unleashed , it 's barely out of the box . ’
11 All over the world , standards of beauty vary ; fat women can become the ideal , or those with small feet , or tall women , or those with blue eyes , or whatever it is that seems to capture the spirit of beauty for a particular time and place .
12 whatever it is that changed .
13 Nevertheless , if we are to define what it is that influences our decisions whether or not to indulge our motivations towards crime we inevitably make suppositions about human needs or requirements , which are in turn predicated on assumptions about what it is that gives us pleasure or pain .
14 By contrast , how is the primary school to manage what it is that passes to the secondary school ?
15 It 's getting rather hard to think about what it is that lets me see them as distinct individuals if all that they 're doing are
16 In the approach that follows , the inspirational , you can use the participative approach to find what exactly it is that you 've got in common and what it is that turns people on .
17 I wonder what it is that intervenes to make him so self-destructive ? ’
18 Find out just what it is that provokes such different reactions as Kate Ogborn , the BFI 's executive producer , presents a selection of films and talks frankly with the directors about their work and what the scheme has to offer .
19 You can tell at a glance what it is that ails a cow or a sick calf better than any vet .
20 If one considers the difference between my father at such moments and a figure such as Mr Jack Neighbours even with the best of his technical flourishes , I believe one may begin to distinguish what it is that separates a ‘ great ’ butler from a merely competent one .
21 The parents will begin to identify what it is that irritates them so much .
22 I never dared to ask , but I understand now what it is that drives addicts back to the needle time and time again whatever the cost to their health and sanity ; I understand now what the mystics lay claim to when they speak of the peace that passeth all understanding .
23 It 's a previously unexplored area , but W.H.Smith/Do It All commissioned a media psychologist , Jane Firbank , to investigate what it is that motivates a phenomenally , perhaps weirdly , growing pastime .
24 The approach to understanding organisations that concentrates its focus on people within organisations needs to be aware of what it is that motivates people within those organisations .
25 We have already examined the Human Relations approach to organisations , and this is a precursor to examining what it is that motivates people to perform within organisations .
26 Now although it is true that we need to consider contextual factors to explain what it is that creates a feeling of unity in stretches of language of more than one sentence , we can not say that there are no formal links between sentences in discourse .
27 Think , too , about the circumstances under which you can not keep to your resolves , and analyse exactly what it is that makes you behave the way you do .
28 A recent investigation of moorhens is one of the first studies to show exactly what it is that makes for a high quality mate ( Science , vol 220 , p 413 ) .
29 They have taken a long hard look at the way Japanese firms operate and tried to understand what it is that makes them so much more productive and successful .
30 It is not at all easy to see what it is that makes one thing tough and another brittle because the substances in each of these lists seem to have little enough in common .
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