Example sentences of "[pron] to be [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 Foreign communities , whether tribal or otherwise , are no more anxious than you or I to be subjected to intensive and embarrassingly close scrutiny by a tiresome stranger whose aims and intentions may be , to say the least , puzzling .
2 Nine o'clock for someone to be taken to — ’ ( It was the day-care centre for the very old — those no longer able to manage for themselves . )
3 The man stared at us doubtfully , then gave in and allowed himself to be led to our table .
4 As it was , others advised him against precipitating the issue , and I had a late word with him shortly before his evening meeting with the Conservative Political Centre ; but by then it was too late for he considered himself to be committed to his friends .
5 Dorcas groaned and allowed himself to be helped to his feet .
6 I assumed you to be related to the lady Anne . ’
7 If you were married to me I would n't expect you to be bound to the house all day , every day .
8 SIR JACOB : Billy , how come you to be reconciled to her ?
9 It may also provide the opportunity for you to be seconded to industry to receive additional in-service training , perhaps on an industrial management course .
10 The smaller portable artefact , by contrast , lends itself to being exported to areas outside of its site of discovery , and thereby provides evidence for more abstract legiti-mations ; for example , the claim by colonial governments to represent the historical legacy of a sequence of great accomplishments is subsumed and given meaning by the concept of civilization .
11 Had n't heard of the world , too deep in itself to be called to ,
12 The trend to uniformity ( not always necessarily simplification ) that is often found in so-called prestige accents ( such as RP ) would seem itself to be related to functional factors .
13 One solution is a clause which says that the question of categorising disputes in contracts where there are two different modes of dispute resolution is itself to be referred to the expert for final decision .
14 If the judge or district judge is satisfied that any proceedings can be more conveniently or fairly dealt with in some other court , he may order the action or matter itself to be transferred to that court ( Ord 16 , r 1 ) .
15 WFS did not publically declare itself to be affiliated to any independent grass roots campaigns who are actually working on the ground with ordinary people — for example , the Tottenham 3 Campaign , Birmingham 6 Campaign etc .
16 This is extremely manipulative as the crowds also want everything to be done to their advantage , for their country .
17 To a romantic affectionate boy such as Rich , watching the wear of work , sensing the tensions of poverty , longing for everything to be given to those who cared for him so much , money could seem the sole solution , the salvation .
18 Who comes along and says he 'll pay for everything to be put to rights ?
19 The only way to solve it is for something to be done to those four officers , something done to the Korean lady who shot the girl , something done to the Compton policeman who killed those two Samoan brothers …
20 It can mean that theory must be destabilised — ‘ destabilising ’ as something to be done to theory .
21 Last-minute trips to Boston by the employment minister , Ruari Quinn , and local mayor , Padric McCormack , were regarded as a face-saving exercise — something to be seen to be done .
22 To begin with the second example cited : ‘ I wish something to be given to you ’ .
23 Rather than something to be relegated to nothingness , like we find today .
24 Even the most dismal and unstable circumstances can become something to be clung to .
25 ‘ I expected something to be said to me by the directors after recent results .
26 This means that the framework for any activity is itself communicative i.e. that there is something to be communicated to someone for some purpose .
27 The Mid Shift button offers quite a marked change in tonality , and is something to be left to the taste of the individual and his/her guitar type .
28 Nancy boy is not a term I like , nor , I guess , one to be applied to Cherry Morello .
29 But to allow herself to be dictated to in this way when she knew she had done nothing wrong was tantamount to admitting guilt .
30 ‘ Well , I do n't know , ’ said my mother , extremely dubiously , but she permitted herself to be led to a table and sat down .
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