Example sentences of "[pron] can n't [verb] of " in BNC.

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1 I ca n't conceive of making films without thinking about what I 'm doing .
2 Weak with a love that I ca n't speak of until you know the truth .
3 ‘ Er , no , I ca n't think of any reason .
4 I ca n't think of another reason .
5 I ca n't think of any more …
6 I ca n't think of nothing to say , so I just nod .
7 I ca n't think of anyone I 'd really like to speak to , except Marie of course , but I du n no if she 's got a phone in Scotland .
8 I ca n't think of a single occasion in which this might come in handy .
9 I CA N'T think of anything more likely to get us through the pre-Christmas traumas than a new play by Don Hayworth .
10 ‘ Since you ask me sir I ca n't think of a single reason — oh except … my voice is trained . ’
11 I ca n't think of anyone who does as many things as Madonna can do as well . ’
12 With women I ca n't think of any examples of that .
13 I ca n't think of anywhere that the stage designs have been more consistently imaginative and beautifully realized than in Salzburg over the last twenty years .
14 I ca n't think of his name now , but it was great because there was this really tough girl who wanted to hang around with me because this guy fancied me .
15 I ca n't think of any other explanation ’
16 I ca n't think of anything more wearisome . ’
17 I ca n't think of a reason why the Czar or his advisers should want to murder British agents .
18 She was cursed ( I ca n't think of a stronger word ) with a permanent affliction , or dosage , of a complex which made her feel and left her with , a strange aura of inadequacy .
19 This is a ‘ stage ’ guitar , after all , and I ca n't think of anyone who actually prefers to hang their strap from a machinehead .
20 But it helps to give the band our own sound , and I ca n't think of anyone else in the whole world that 's doing it . ’
21 As Pedulla say , these basses are designed as pure playing instruments , although I ca n't think of a manufacturer who 'd admit to any other motive for building guitars .
22 ‘ As for rhythm guitar influences , I ca n't think of many better ones than the Stax/Volt records with Steve Cropper and Booker T & The MGs .
23 I have a fitting on Sunday for the ‘ New Faces ’ final — one gown with three jackets to ring the changes over the ninety minutes of live T.V. It 's imperative that I do the show as I ca n't think of anyone who could step into the breach should I become ill .
24 You must let me do that or I ca n't think of rejoining you . ’
25 I ca n't think of a better meal than an omelette with salad and French bread .
26 ‘ I 've always hated Christmas number ones — I ca n't think of one I liked .
27 ‘ She is not the sort to lie about something like this and I ca n't think of a reason why she would , ’ said Christopher Grenside , 85 .
28 This is one of the thin times , but I ca n't think of any other manager to do a better job for Nottingham Forest at the moment than Brian Clough . ’
29 ( If there is a reason for this , I ca n't think of it . )
30 I ca n't think of everything .
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