Example sentences of "[pron] can be see [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This can be seen by computing the scalar invariant given here by ( 9.22 ) Using ( 9.6 ) and ( 9.13 ) , I can be seen to be unbounded when for all values of k 1 and k 2 in the required range ( 9.9 ) .
2 To be precise , in the original class of solutions given by Yurtsever ( 1988 a ) , V is taken in the form ( 10.77 ) which can be seen to be generalizations of the degenerate Ferrari-Ibañez solution described in Section 10.5 .
3 Out of this , we can arrive perhaps at some principles of practice which can be seen to be both compatible with normalisation ( in our preferred sense ) and supportive of self-advocacy .
4 During the years 1926 to 1935 , when , with her husband , she was a leading member of and exhibitor with the Seven and Five Society , her work was consistently praised for its idiosyncratic approach to light and colour , which can be seen to be her most important artistic legacy .
5 THE paintings of Terry Setch , which can be seen at the Talbot Rice Gallery in Edinburgh , overwhelm the viewer with their large scale , drawing one into a visual world of pigment , wax , beach detritus and plastic .
6 There are even several , in addition to the Pleiades , which can be seen with the naked eye ; Præsepe in Cancer ( the Crab ) and the Jewel Box in the Southern Cross are other examples .
7 Both these methods leave very characteristic helical seams which can be seen on examples of wires made by the two methods in Figure 8.6a and b , taken from genuine antiquities .
8 The bronze statue of Boadicea , in her chariot , which can be seen on the Thames Embankment at Westminster Bridge , is the work of Hamo Thornycroft , R.A. , who had a studio in Holland Park , but it proved too small , so he removed it to the ‘ tin tabernacle ’ which Sir John Isaac Thornycroft , F.R.S. , had built as a workshop in the gardens of Walpole House on Chiswick Mall , during the last decade of the nineteenth century .
9 The Kennet and Avon Canal Trust preserves the engines , which can be seen on Sundays and are occasionally in steam .
10 A private garden for the use of hotel patrons runs down the water 's edge and there is a wonderful view of the Sea of Moyle stretching beyond to the shores of Scotland and the Western Isles which can be seen on clear days .
11 Rover have faced very tough competition from other European manufacturers like B M W which can be seen for sale alongside the Sterling in some areas .
12 As such it is neater than the confusion presented by a reality which can be seen as not belonging to the self ; or as perhaps belonging to the self ; or as , if belonging to the self , equally incapable of assimilation by it or separation from it .
13 A number of student ‘ tides ’ were underway which can be seen as forms of adaptive behaviour or strategies for improving their social position , either temporarily or on a more permanent basis .
14 The character or reputation a person has amongst his fellows is partly a product of his own efforts at self-presentation , partly an ascription to him by others on the basis of their readings of his life performances , partly in situations which can be seen as occasions of hazard .
15 But we can find among them at least one which can be seen as a direct defence of the tripartite analysis .
16 No insects and no fish have so far been found to use sonar , but two quite different groups of fish , one in South America and one in Africa , have developed a somewhat similar navigation system , which appears to be just about as sophisticated and which can be seen as a related , but different , solution to the same problem .
17 No fewer than eight classic Stones ' tracks make up Rooster , the new work from leading choreographer Christopher Bruce , which can be seen as part of a triple bill at the Empire from tonight until Saturday .
18 Examples of odd-toes and even-toed ungulates which can be seen in the park .
19 Like Sukenick and Pynchon , Wurlitzer has acknowledged an influence from Kerouac which can be seen in the open structure of his first novel The Octopus ( 1969 : published in America under the title Nog ) .
20 From its entrance off Bridge Street , watched over by St. Clement 's church , the tower of which can be seen in our illustration , this traffic-free lane progresses in two distinct parts .
21 Dr. Clarke had himself been a surveyor in the town in 1765 : he also cultivated the art of perspective drawing , examples of which can be seen in the plans he drew for Whitaker 's History of Manchester of 1765 and 1771 .
22 The most common organic manure these days is the spent marc , the residue of skins , pips and stalks amassed after the pressing process , which can be seen in purple-black piles by the roadside from November onwards .
23 The only details which can be seen in these blustery conditions are the two figures battling against the elements .
24 Psychologically , the dark side of this individualism entails an emotional remoteness from others which can be seen in the limited expression of empathy and in the fragility and insecurity of many marriage relationships .
25 Ferdinand 's paving , in its turn , had replaced the fourteenth-century brick floor which can be seen in Renaissance painted views of the Piazza and which many feel should have been brought back .
26 The extreme realism in this tragic adventure ( realism , that is , in the sense of a deliberate emphasis on the unpleasant aspect of adventure ) constitutes a reaction against the essentially optimistic approach to violent events which can be seen in many other branches of adventure-story .
27 His execution — immortalised by Manet in the famous Firing Party , which can be seen in the National Gallery — unhinged her mind , and she never recovered .
28 The support of his brother 's men gave him a nexus of servants throughout the country , the value of which can be seen in his measures against Sir Edward Woodville .
29 The protest of the human individual against the massive forces which control him is indeed a theme which can be seen in contemporary art , literature , music and drama , in the struggles against racialism , poverty and war , in the popular movements of Western youth and in the renewed campaign for women 's emancipation ; so we can hardly be surprised if parents too begin to question the authority of the experts .
30 Piaget , however , asserts in the introduction to his work that ‘ We shall rather show that the acquisition of language is itself subordinated to the workings of a symbolic function which can be seen in the development of imitation and play as well as in that of verbal mechanisms ’ ( 1962 : 1–2 ; see Vygotsky 1978 for a contrary view ) .
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