Example sentences of "[pron] would be [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd been caddying for Ralph Moffatt on the pro circuit and got him through the pre-qualifier at Fairhaven , so I told him I 'd be caddying for him in the Open as I 'd heard nothing from Jack .
2 But if I was studying the daisy family here , I 'd be looking at plants from the size of daisies as we know them , to plants the size of trees .
3 I think I 'd be looking at two to three weeks
4 If I were a scientist , perhaps I 'd be looking at it , and say , what does that mean in terms of weather , what does it mean in terms of pressure , is it cumulus cloud or says , what other cloud .
5 If I was spending £500-ish on amplification , I 'd be looking for good second-hand gear , and there 's loads of that about .
6 So if the president of my company calls from Allentown and says Ricky I 'd like to see you in my office on the thirtieth , I do n't say I 'm sorry Steve , it 's catch up day , I say what time would be convenient for you Sir , because you know , otherwise I , I 'd be looking for a job .
7 Erm tt whether that 's appropriate , you know , I 'm thinking of it as a first appointment just to get a general picture whereas you might be coming back to stir his memory for referrals by saying er , you know , er you mentioned here you 're a member of the squash club , do you remember I said I 'd be looking for introductions , maybe we 'll learn whether at the beginning of the second appointment you jog the memory there er you know in other words what I 'm do doing is keeping that in my mind , that you are remembering the squash club or whatever club it may be and use that later , although I did n't er elaborate on it at that , that er because I think you can go off at a tangent
8 I 'd be looking for sixty five for ours , if we were to put it on the market , I mean we 're not
9 You know , hardly get a go-round in the in the Dictionary of Quotations but at least you got the person there which is right , but in actual fact , how I might have treated that and I might what might have grabbed me a little bit more would have been the story which I would be looking for , I 'd be looking for my journalist to turn that into and therefore you might as well try and do it for us , because journalists like , like count on your labour , as I
10 Then I 'd be looking after you for both products and what I want to do is have a look at all the standard bearings you take to see if there is potential for a supply .
11 Normally I 'd be reaching for ‘ annihilate ’ button when faced with such an ‘ aware ’ and ‘ right-on ’ selection of topics but Leatherface succeed where so many others have failed by virtue of the tuneful tempestuousness of their music , an assault with melody , muscle and sheer conviction which is irresistible , and the fact that Frankie Stubbs never sounds like a po-faced preacher — unlike a certain other native of the North-East whose name I can hardly type without sending my blood-pressure into the red .
12 I 'd be breaking into houses , doing robberies .
13 I think if I were fourteen or fifteen years old looking towards leaving school , average ability , I 'd be thinking to myself ‘ Well , what 's the point of working at school ?
14 I would n't enjoy myself anyway , I expect , I 'd be thinking of you .
15 ‘ If this were my life , ’ he says softly , ‘ I 'd be living in a hotel made of chocolate sponge cake and organ music .
16 She added : ‘ I never thought I 'd be living like this when I married Charles .
17 I 'd be sending for the police .
18 I mean , personally I do n't think Terry 's very good at interviews , I think I 'd be flying in the face of public opinion if I said he was .
19 If it was n't for Captain Eric here , I 'd be getting into trouble . ’
20 Money was the issue , because he used to spend his money on hobbies and I 'd never know what I 'd be getting from week to week and some weeks I 'd not get anything .
21 And then after that I 'd be drinking like a pint every twenty minutes or so .
22 Too late for any more useful sleep , I 'd be leaving for London at six to avoid the rush .
23 ‘ Yes , I told him I 'd be speaking to you soon . ’
24 If I was 12 years old I 'd be squealing in the stalls as well .
25 ‘ I never thought I 'd be seeing in the New Year with Will Carling and company in Lanzarote .
26 ‘ When I told Blixa I 'd be playing on the LP , his response was , ‘ Oh good — less work for me to do ! ’
27 All the way I 'd be talking to myself in my head , saying , ‘ Um , yes , that 's a so-and-so , ’ practising my identification skills .
28 According to Lucy : ‘ It 's a fing like , I 'd be talking to Carol , right , and she 's with Ann … ’
29 So I always sit up in bed for ages really wide awake , and I 'm reading and doing all sorts of thinking like things , and I 'd be talking to Ben , and he would say yeah , yeah , and he 's really vague as well , and I , I get really angry and then I think you can tell because then you tend to lean across and say , are you alright , are you alright , and I just find it makes it worse .
30 Like I 'd be talking like this and suddenly it 'll go .
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