Example sentences of "[pron] would [vb infin] for [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd stand for hours in front of the mirror , painting my face and fingernails and backcombing and lacquering from a sticky , plastic squeeze bottle until my hair resembled a busby .
2 Then I 'd disappear for days and make everyone go crazy with worry while I whooped it up down the nearest alley with some ear-tom tom .
3 It 's the kind of environment I would want for visitors to London . ’
4 I would go for parts and they would still have this idea that Chrissie was very much in the series .
5 Right well I let's I I I would go for schools if I were you .
6 I was especially fond of my maternal grandparents ' dog , Luath , an exquisitely patient collie with whom I would sit for hours , pretending or half-pretending that we could read one another 's thoughts .
7 I would lie for hours in my sea grey with the remains of bubble bath .
8 I also wore my own garments with pride and let it be known that I would knit for others if they wished .
9 The second cousins have just issued their first newsletter and they have grand plans to open an information centre in Liverpool , which would cater for enthusiasts all over Europe .
10 It was not a fortune , but it was a respectable competence , thanks to royalties , which would continue for years yet , whether the doctor reappeared or remained in limbo .
11 The peace plan , which would allow for republics to declare independence , had been amended to allow for republics to form a common state , the economy of which could be organized on non-market lines ; the article granting autonomy to the ( currently Serbian-controlled ) provinces of Kosovo and Vojvodina was deleted .
12 Sometimes she would disappear for days .
13 She would lie for hours — days even , for she had lost all interest in time — in an abstraction of pain , her bruised mind slipping and struggling and relapsing into a slough .
14 He continued to see Jennifer on a regular basis and over the years ; she would come for holidays and weekends , and he did the loving-father duties , which he treated seriously , and never shirked his responsibilities .
15 I see And , and who would , who would pay for theses courses ?
16 But he was not a person who would ferret for secrets .
17 I thought you would sleep for hours . ’
18 And we would go for walks together or just sit in the garden , talking .
19 Lunch was now on its way , he added , and he hoped everyone would return for drinks at five-thirty when there would be Interesting Developments as per their printed programmes .
20 And sometimes if there was just a few of the men maybe two men in the camp , they would come and help with even fencing or or erm build up a dyke or something like that Even drain they would stay for days if they wanted draining the fields , mm it was that .
21 This was eventually done , and in April 1991 I contacted them again and they agreed that if I , through Spokes , could organise the workforce , they would pay for materials and the hire of equipment .
22 They would go for weekends to comfortable but not flashy hotels , show her places he knew .
23 They would go for walks in the area .
24 They would lie for hours , hardly moving , before a sudden noise startled them and they instinctively dived for cover .
25 Cambodia 's Prime Minister , Hun San backed by the Soviet Union , said he 'd settle for elections if the U N organised them , which left just the Khmer Rouge blocking every avenue for peace .
26 He 'd go for months and then have six in a row .
27 You could never tell whose idea was what , because they talked everything to death , but if nothing else , DeFries was a wonderful sounding board as he would talk for hours and hours and hours about every little detail of the show , the order of the set , the music , the albums .
28 He virtually commuted between London and Sydney , his Australian birthplace , where he would stay for months at a time with his parents , making award-winning films , before returning to London in his safari suit , sun-bleached and fit .
29 He would sit for hours , quite silent , watching the assembling of minute coils and springs ; he seemed to find the exactitude satisfying .
30 He would sit for hours with his blindfold down , taking no part in the general conversations , or at best looking at Brian and me , shaking his head when his compatriots said something with which he disagreed .
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