Example sentences of "[pron] will [adv] have [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll even have my own private stretch of beach . ’
2 I 'll just have your coat on shall we ?
3 After I get out of here , I 'll just have my flat and I 'll continue .
4 I 'll just have my bike outside and quickly get on .
5 I 'll always have my Sunday dinner
6 ‘ Do I have your promise that , regardless of what happens , regardless of — er — whether you like it or not , at the end of this — farce , I 'll still have my job ? ’
7 It wo n't be long before she catches a chill , and then I 'll really have my hands full .
8 I will just have my maid ’ — the emphasis was delicate — ‘ bring my shawl , ’ said Mrs Crump .
9 As winter sets in , go to your local riding school which will often have its own indoor school ( the only civilised way to ride when the weather is really foul ) or try to build up some local contacts where you can offer your services .
10 You 'll soon have your fill of me , after all — the little innocent from the middle of nowhere .
11 I mean if you just want the teletext all you do is press your mute and then you 'll just have your teletext without the sound .
12 You 'll still have your best years left over when your children are grown-up . "
13 well the next time I get something , she 'll probably have her own place
14 She will make her nest in the sleeping quarters of the hutch where she will eventually have her litter .
15 She will also have her own tax allowance , be entitled to her own standard rate band and have her own capital gains tax exemption .
16 You will already have your own materials , your own " know-how " , to be adapted to the purpose .
17 Through our affiliation with Resort Condominiums International , you can holiday in over fifteen-hundred exotic locations throughout the world … secure in the knowledge that you will always have your Highland retreat to come home to .
18 Well we 'll probably have our dinner first then I 'll probably do it .
19 I think Mary was going , we 'll just have our shall we say the Lord 's Prayer before we
20 A range of the frozen foods can be tried once the size increases , but each one will probably have its own preference .
21 We will also have our interview with conductor NEEME JARVI ( held over from May due to circumstances beyond our control ) .
22 Such excitements are rare ; The Hague has a few clubs and theatres and it will soon have its own ballet company , but for the most part the Hagenaars , as the residents are known , spend their evenings at home and retire at a respectable hour .
23 Through teaching he enjoys being able to pass his skills on to others and is confident that he will soon have his new pupils rocking and rolling , quickstepping and cha-cha-chaaing the night away .
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