Example sentences of "[pron] as we have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The second point i is this issue about self containment , er Mr Davis accused me this morning of using some somewhat outlandish words , I think , erm , I did obviously refer to the er my vision of what a new settlement of this size proposed would be , and I I did n't in that mean to imply that I did n't in that mean to imply that I did n't expect that with the right planning that it could n't have clearly local facilities , local school , library , etcetera , but it seemed to me quite clear that the scale proposed it would not have the higher order functions which as we 've heard earlier , Greater York has been defined based on York 's planning assumptions , clearly the major shopping , educational , and social facilities will continue to be provided in the city , and it will produce what is in effect dormitory settlement .
2 The Commission also considered the obligations of the state to the citizen , a subject which as we have seen advocates of active citizenship have tended to neglect .
3 The reservoir capacitor ( C1 in Fig 1 ) then charges to the full offload voltage , which as we have seen is considerably in excess of the rated voltage .
4 Their pay varied , but very few girls in these occupations ever earned as much as the 12s-13s a week , which as we have seen is what a girl compositor could be earning by the time she was about 20 , with the ( limited but real ) possibility of earning more later .
5 However , we can say that even historic cost accounting , in times of rising prices , does provide some indication of the extent to which capital might have been eroded or maintained , which as we have suggested earlier is potentially useful information .
6 He said : ‘ When you 're down , things do n't run for you as we 've had all this season at Forest .
7 It will be difficult to find the exact one as we have confiscated so many ; , but this soldier who is accompanying you will take you to a warehouse where you will find hundreds of bicycles of all descriptions .
8 But when I drove to London to collect her as we 'd arranged , I found that she 'd had a phone call less than an hour previously to say that Barney was ill .
9 Why had n't Shamrock 's owners looked after her and loved her as we had done ?
10 It says , ‘ We will certainly burn incense to the queen of heaven and pour out drink offerings to her as we have done , we and our fathers . ’
11 ‘ We 'd better leave it as we 've arranged . ’
12 As President , it has been a privilege to serve the membership and I have enjoyed , immensely , the hospitality and courtesy extended to my wife , Elizabeth , and myself as we have visited branches .
13 well my thoughts had cristalized that we would have to change the direction of er , we communicating with them as we 've done in the past , we could n't just use adverts that we might have used regional in a regional press , we had to pick out the point , in the , in the actual article so that four example there were six or seven points that had clearly been made , statements that had been made , I had to devise a scheme then , er , it was only a scheme in my thinking that actually , I had to devise a scheme that would pick up each of these points encounter them , now there was no way I could simply take an advert out and say , they said this , we say that because that would have had no credibility , so what I was thinking at that time is how we might be able to use some other form of being able to counter those six or seven points and I started to come up with an idea perhaps using a third party , because in our business , third party recommendation are very , very powerful and when selling to the elderly because they do not take , I 'm sorry , they take a long time to come to a decision , they mull over it and such like , they take a lot of influence from people , take advise from family , accountants , solicitors , bank managers and such like , so the idea of having a third party in a sense recommend then would have allowed us to get over those particular points , so that 's what was germinating in my mind at the time
14 Few there be , are there few that be saved , well what does the bible say about this , first of all it teaches abundantly clearly that all may be saved , God is not partial , God has no favourites , he does n't love you more than he loves any body else , he does n't love me more than he loves you or you more than me , he does n't love you more than he loves ah any other racial group or any other ethnic group , he loves us all the same God so loved the world that he gave his only son Jesus Christ , here in his love , not that we love God says the apostle but that he loved us , the old testament profit reminds us that he has loved us with an ever lasting love , who , this was one of the hang ups that the Jewish nation had , they thought that they were the cats whiskers , he chose them , but he in fact did n't love them any more than he loved the , the hitites , the parasites , the gergasites and all the other ites , he loved them all the same , God is not partial in his love because he is love , if there was any body that God did not love he would actually cease to be God because love is not something that , that God does , you and I do it no matter how loving you are , or how loving you think you are , you are not love , you choose to love somebody and you love them , there are times when that love goes very thin sometimes , perhaps because of events that have happened , it can actually come to an end where that love dies , you withdraw your love God ca n't do that , God loves us as we 've said with an eternal love , a love that will go on throughout the endless ages of eternity
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