Example sentences of "[pron] as [adv] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Technically admirable , in that it saved the peasant from himself as well as from his oppressors , colonization demanded great expenditure to bring the land above the level of subsistence farming — an expenditure the liberal state of the nineteenth century could neither approve in principle nor afford in practice .
2 In himself as well as in her .
3 Suppose , first , that the other player is also Tit for Tat ( remember that each strategy played against copies of itself as well as against the other 14 ) .
4 S but what they say is part of his managerial status demanded him having a company car to which I was given one as well but in effect that then became his wife 's because he was still banned for drink driving .
5 She loved their pale shining ; clean brass was a pleasure , its proper maintenance a pleasure to herself as well as to Lizzie .
6 But on the whole once I 've got talking it 's been very successful , and people are always amazed at what they do remember in great detail about how they got things , why they got them , when they got them , and I think by and large the people that I have talked to have found it very interesting to do for themselves as well as for me .
7 That is to say , it applies to novelists themselves as well as to their heroes and heroines .
8 This is due in part to an increase in the proportion of births outside marriage and of mothers who bring up these children themselves as well as to less pressure on young women and men to ‘ legitimise ’ a conception with a ‘ shot-gun wedding ’ .
9 Neighbouring states , observing these forces as a potential threat to themselves as well as to the internal dissidents , will hesitate before dismantling their own forces .
10 The schools were blamed for this and new courses — such as TVEI ( Technical and Vocational Educational Initiative ) and CPVE ( Certificate of Pre-Vocational Education ) — were introduced into schools themselves as well as into the gap between school and work .
11 The Bank is also talking to the international clearing-houses , Euroclear and Cedel , about settling gilt bargains through them as well as through its own central gilts office .
12 This is proving useful to them as well as to mothers with push-chairs , who are perhaps more frequent users .
13 In practice this produces a vertical integration of public services , with officials at each geographical level in the state hierarchy responsible to the relevant ministry at the level above them as well as to the elected organ at their own level .
14 3. truth per se matters ; beliefs and values based on a falsehood or mere prejudice are not only unstable but likely to cause much damage and hurt to the people holding them as well as to others who may become their victims .
15 However , no pursuit was in evidence , although they maintained patrols behind them as well as on the flanks to ensure early warning .
16 Walton argues that views of ‘ best interests ’ are rather always contingent , depending on the particular position and assumptions of the person expressing them as well as on objective circumstances .
17 Were he to join a Government of Conservatives and Liberals , he continued , he would be a ridiculous figure , unable to command support and bringing odium on them as well as on himself .
18 " Is it going to be for us as well as about us ? " she asked .
19 But it does , and the remedy lies partly in the hands of each one of us as well as in the hands of governments and large industries throughout the world .
20 The domino effect can work for us as well as against us if we play our cards right .
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