Example sentences of "[pron] we [vb base] just [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The new office , which we 've just moved into , is a rather different kettle of fish .
2 That is obviously something which we 've just got to keep topping up but it was recognised by the fathers that will there was we needed to be helped to train to sell and so we needed that training er to get us get us going so to speak , there were no natural salesmen amongst departments .
3 The good housekeeping exercise which we 've just circulated the documents on , which we 'll be consulting on in two weeks time tt er it mainly is about changing the organization to allow us to delegate authority down to an appropriate level .
4 One is Selby which we 've just spent the morning discussing and for very very different reasons the other is Harrogate .
5 In this , Ancient Society resembled the other evolutionary schemes for the history of mankind which we have just noted .
6 We propose , for convenience , to deal in turn with the three issues to which we have just referred .
7 Only individuals can fill out questionnaires , be interviewed , respond to attitude scales , be observed , and so on , and yet , very often , these are used as evidence for , or descriptions of , the supra-individual phenomena to which we have just referred .
8 We now come to the second part of our programme , according to our agenda , which has the broad heading , Achiev N C V O Achievements and Intentions , and it 's obviously a natural follow-on from the I er , A G M which we have just completed , at which council received the annual report of N C V O's work for the past year , and its use of the resources which are available to it to carry out that work .
9 This is precisely what has been happening in recent years , to such an extent that we can without exaggeration speak of a ‘ committals explosion ’ in addition to the remand explosion which we have just outlined .
10 The ability to draw on such knowledge is an essential aspect of discourse interpretation and it is often employed by subjects in the kind of memory experiments which we have just described .
11 For this to happen , aggressive drives , directed away from the father on to others in the manner which we have just described , would have had to become internalized also and turned , not against some other , but back against the
12 We can allow for this effect by dropping the two from the strength equation which we have just derived , bearing in mind that we are in no position to quibble about exact values .
13 Tell them we 've just come back from that .
14 It 's something we 've just had to accept , and we try to clip him as little as possible .
15 it 's something we 've just had to leave cos it 's .
16 And because nothing ever seems healthier or more warming than looking back at something we have just done and realising , ‘ Mmmm .
17 Oh we we 've just sent out a six thousand mailer .
18 We we 've just got a local we go to , which
19 So that 's an acid plus a metal , now an acid plus a base which is this one we 've just done , a metal oxide the metal oxides are bases , er you can think of them as being alkaline , we call it basic but very very similar sort of thing to alkaline okay so what happens with a base and an acid ?
20 Now with this one the one we 've just done you do n't really know how far to go I mean I might have been going to ask erm how long has he been travelling if he 's been riding for a thousand hours .
21 Erm now the three two or three things that we 're talking about today really is , er and one we 've just got over I think , is that you and I er I 'm I 'm absolutely certain you 'd knock this into a cocked hat .
22 Can you make the very brief leaflet , the one we 've just talked about ,
23 The Woolwich insists that it has no plans to introduce them , while the Abbey National believes that fluctuating payments ‘ show their value in weeks like the one we 've just had ’ .
24 Erm I mean if you 've got something like , for example , erm say we 've got the one we 've just had .
25 And the reason is the one we have just seen with our biomorph model .
26 The one we have just discussed is a distance between nodes .
27 The first was the one we have just described , in which the path of the cutting tool is analysed by a technician from inspection of the engineering drawing , described in formal mathematical language , and recorded on punched tape .
28 For each c ε J we define the value of f at c to be the element unc We denote it briefly by f(c) and refer to the process of obtaining f(c) from f in this way by the ill-chosen but universally familiar expression " substitution of c for x in f " since on the face of it we have just replaced every occurrence of x in f by c .
29 Yeah that he we 've just completed up here and one or two others er so we 're we 're getting some big boys in now .
30 If you share two between three of you which is what we 've just done right ?
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