Example sentences of "[pron] from [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Filled with windswept harmonies , stripped , emotional guitar playing and the kind of plaintive , country-tinged songs that niggle you from here to the grave , the latest offering from Nebraska-born songwriter Matthew Sweet will win the favour of anyone whose tastes lie somewhere north of Gram Parsons , south of The Beatles , east of CSN&Y and west of the Pixies .
2 However , much harder to anticipate is their sudden appearance in front of you from nowhere in the dark with lights on and it 's not just kids , it 's adults who should know better .
3 People might come to hear you from all over the world .
4 Lucy said , ‘ In that case all you need is patience , and one day the right woman will come to you from out of the blue . ’
5 For the moment , we repeat that there are two plausible stories to tell , one from outside about the human part of the natural world and the other from inside a separate social realm .
6 Erm , there 's a sort of shop in the mall that sort of sells , oh it , it does key cutting and heeling and stuff , we got one from there in the end .
7 mewing for me from somewhere in the room .
8 Although he was pleased that they had managed to set everything up on time , he continued to mutter about the remaining android being alive , threatening them from somewhere on the planet .
9 My feeling ( although I am not the best judge ) was that the Workshop was a complete success in that it involved the participants in exploring the intellectual bases of their subject , and led them from there to the practical rethinking of their teaching methods and curricula .
10 I showed Rudi what I wanted and now he gets requests for them from all over the world .
11 It was still , but he sensed her staring at him from out of the darkness of her shelter , and a laboured and painful breathing came from her .
12 Mr Morraine spent most of his time dusting his collection of strange-looking rocks and stones he had sent to him from all over the world .
13 The quite excellent British Museum Press , which is managing to produce some twenty scholarly titles this season , from books to accompany exhibitions to detailed descriptions of archaeological digs , has profited from the private entertainment of its former director , Sir David Wilson , to produce a delightful book of funerary inscriptions gathered by him from all over the British Isles and America .
14 Lucy 's voice was calling her from outside on the landing .
15 What I did n't say was that I had n't been making love to her but to Alison , taking her from behind on the kitchen table , her rump high in the air and her toes squirming helplessly an inch or two off the floor .
16 He was screaming at her from down in the channel .
17 The Fat Controller blew a plume of cigar smoke at it from out of the corner of his mouth ; the blue strands interleaved with her browner ones .
18 And you can actually see it from everywhere in the club except for that corner there .
19 Er stopwatch you m you time it from there to the ten metre .
20 Well-known for his displays over many years in Percival Provost G–AWPH , John flew the aircraft from Eastleigh Airport to the Science Museum 's airfield at Wroughton late September and plans to base and operate it from there for the 1992 airshow season .
21 I get it from down at the hardware shop .
22 Hawkshead Grammar School was at the highest point of its reputation when Wordsworth arrived ; boys were sent to it from all over the north-west of England and even from Scotland .
23 In 1974 the great International Congress on World Evangelisation was held in Lausanne and thousands of delegates came to it from all over the world .
24 Ducts , pipes and cables ran into it from all round the edges of the dome .
25 Joining us from there with the story of today 's action is Tim Russell .
26 ‘ They send stories about us from all over the world and they charge $1.25 a clipping .
27 Our clothes came at us from all over the room .
28 They fought alongside us from then until the bitter end .
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