Example sentences of "[pron] but he say [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He broke two of my teeth extracting them but he says they 're out clean , when I told him to take another X-ray of it .
2 and I reckon he broke them but he says he 's no broken but I I I felt the tooth in two side of my mouth so I just stopped the treatment there and I 'm going to another dentist some time but my wife , I do n't want to go there now cos money 's tight , I was on the D H S S , I was due to pay the first forty nine pound .
3 So he said choice because it was his property they contacted him but he said what he 's done is though right there is n't anywhere near that amount !
4 I did n't ask him but he said he required them .
5 I says , well , I says , I was reading a book and an old wifey that lived up at and she was about ninety six , and this chap that was interviewing her , well he would n't be interviewing her but he said she sat by the fire and she hostied and clochered until she nearly spewed .
6 And he said this and he was n't I mean particularly , he said oh she 's just , you know she , she 's like sailed through Haileybury , she gets out of everything , she , he , he 's really keen on the sports side of things here so I do n't know why he got so het up about it but he said it really er pissed him off the way she erm
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