Example sentences of "[pron] have [to-vb] [prep] new " in BNC.

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1 She has to look for new friends amongst the ranks of the unattached like herself ; and until she has recovered sufficiently to become interested in organising her social life to the best advantage , her opportunities to continue to enjoy the pleasures of mixed company may be very limited .
2 If it does n't for any reason , you have to dub in new matching background sound .
3 The music will tell you what to do , so you have to look for new technical solutions all the time .
4 And erm we used to work from seven o'clock in the morning until seven at night , we had to walk from New Invention to Hall because there were n't any buses and erm there were some girls , some girls worked at Legs have you heard of
5 Surely if the skills desert the greater proportion of working men and women ; fewer apprenticeships being served for the faster rewards of assembly ; we have to look to new industries with high labour content as opposed to high capital content for our long- term social remedies .
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