Example sentences of "[pron] have [to-vb] her a " in BNC.

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1 I had to give her a little reminder now and then , to stop her attempting to fly off into the wide blue yonder , by gently pulling the leash , but within two days she was coming to me just as willingly as she had on the straight creance .
2 I had to offer her a round of toasted cheese and a cup of tea .
3 I had to find her a flat , move her in , go to the Electricity Board , and then her husband Monica 's one of those who need a mother , someone who takes her on An idea came into Alice 's head of such beautiful and apt simplicity that she began laughing quietly to herself .
4 I had to send her a greetings telegram , so that she would not be alarmed at the sight of the envelope , saying : DARLING MUM I AM MARRIED TO MY MUSE AND HAVE NO INTENTION OF SEEKING A DIVORCE SO DO N'T WORRY I 'LL BE A BACHELOR GAY FOR ME REST OF MY LIFE LOVE JIM .
5 He had invented the idea of the comedy at that moment , and to prove it he had to offer her a joke in evidence .
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