Example sentences of "[pron] have [to-vb] that the " in BNC.

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1 From the success so far , I had to conclude that the parental mucus was merely a dietary supplement and that Green Chromides can be reared in the same manner as the majority of cichlids .
2 I had to admit that the German service for prisoners seemed better than our own .
3 When I got a look at the place , I had to admit that the doctor was probably not very concerned about my opinion .
4 I had to admit that the young men leaving that room all looked a bit shattered and one almost reeled out , holding his mouth with both hands .
5 I had to admit that the frame was a good fit .
6 I have to say that the Pro GAP would n't be my first choice in any rack system because each time I 've used one I 've been unable to rid it of that ‘ overprocessed ’ synthetic edge .
7 I have to say that the backup from Vox is terrific — basically anything I want .
8 I have to say that the situation did n't look very promising .
9 I have to say that the galleries were the thing which stood out for me this week , apart from the fine golf played .
10 I have to say that the pace of play was abysmal .
11 I have to say that the boom of the nineteen eighties was something of a myth .
12 The current trend of pay and price increases is more than we had hoped , and it 's , it 's certainly more than er , than er , the planned increase in our income will cover , and I have to say that the rate of turnover of staff has reduced even further and so we will be spending more on staff for that reason than we had planned .
13 W we still seem to debate certain things three , four and five times they creep their way through to the main committee and full council and I have to say that the point in para B about the report we 've been sent not recognising the reduction in local er government responsibilities it it is it 's a bit rich , because our response to that report does n't recognise that when I first arrived here Chairman we had the education department which was responsible for all the schools , six colleges of further education , college of art , college of agriculture , the teacher training college at and a major polytechnic .
14 Although I have to say that the implication in two eight three that Labour is flirting with workfare is misplaced , we 've said some harsh things about the Party this week , but there is no possibility that I know of of the Labour Party supporting any form of workfare whatsoever .
15 My wife wished to take a photograph of me leaning against it from uphill and I have to report that the stone proved not to be immovable and now rests at the bottom of the slope .
16 in In re R. [ 1992 ] Fam. 11 , 28 , where he said : ‘ Faced with such a substantial consensus of opinion among judges who have to deal with this problem from day to day , I have to conclude that the powers of a wardship judge do indeed include power to consent to medical treatment when the ward has not been asked or has declined .
17 I regret that I have to conclude that the omens for retaining national control of vital areas do not look good .
18 I still do n't enjoy going to the dentist but I have to admit that the modern men are wonderful .
19 Speaking as a man who rather enjoys cover compilations — and remembers with gratitude the ‘ NME 's role in bringing us The Fall 's ‘ A Day In The Life ’ — I have to concede that the normal response to such collections is a powerful yearning to hear the originals again .
20 A. The state of amphibians being so threatened at the moment , I am almost reluctant to suggest that anyone keeps native species , but I have to concede that the common toad Bufo bufo is a fascinating animal .
21 Whichever , I have to warn that the use of the names of the months in describing food is no longer permitted by EEC regulations .
22 erm , I , I have to suggest that the erm the had er
23 Then she discovered that it was Travis she had to thank that the news of her engagement to his cousin was all over Vasey 's , as , still smiling , he stated , ‘ Hope you do n't mind , Naylor , but I came in earlier to have a quick word with Leith , and could n't resist telling her assistant that a possible reason for Leith being late this morning could be her getting engaged to you at the weekend . ’
24 But he told her to stop grumbling and enjoy herself , and she had to admit that the spring lamb with mint sauce was very tasty .
25 She had to admit that the view was n't at all bad .
26 But , whatever her doubts , she had to admit that the dress did look good , and it was n't too formal if her escort turned up in jeans .
27 Leith vetoed the idea before he could voice it — though she had to admit that the idea of living and working in London did have tremendous appeal .
28 Yes , she had to concede that the gentleman 's exterior qualities were uniformly pleasing .
29 There was a band of decisions and you had to say that the parent 's decision was outside the band of reasonableness .
30 Well you were always One thing you were very careful , you had to see that the gall bladder was removed .
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