Example sentences of "[pron] have [vb pp] at his " in BNC.

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1 I bought an expensive photograph album with a padded cover and gold curlicues on it and spent ages arranging the photographs I had taken at his house so that they were in just the right order .
2 After Mortimer 's condemnation Edward granted pardon and restitution to the families which had suffered at his hands in 1329 and 1330 .
3 Stuart Bailey , station master of Rothley on the Great Central Railway , has heard many stories of ghosts which have appeared at his station , although he himself has no first-hand experience of the supernatural .
4 Down in the hold he 'd cracked his shins on the bumper of a small green car and she 'd laughed at his face and kissed him as if he 'd been a kid and for a moment he was thirteen and being hugged by Dave 's big sister , who was certainly large and confusing to thirteen year olds .
5 Barricaded inside , Roger Jones , a 52 year old self-employed electrician , who 'd allegedly threatened with a shotgun 3 men who 'd called at his home .
6 Then you go in and by the time you 've arrived at his bedside , he will have acquired a dim grasp of where he is .
7 Tomorrow , she would have to forget the humiliation she had suffered at his hands and plead for his help in what threatened to be a hopeless task .
8 ‘ Anything but , ’ he replied , as if remembering her dainty appetite when she had dined at his home .
9 But then Arthurs , who had called at his former home to visit his three children , lashed out at Mr Berry with a cricket bat and kicked him in the face , breaking his jaw in several places .
10 As Thiercelin backed to the window , Rannou , who had stood at his post all along , scrambled up and out .
11 Karelius had reached the outskirts of the village ; his mount cleared a low stone wall to land almost on top of a daring tirailleur who had remained at his post to the last .
12 Augustus , the ‘ first among equals ’ , had become Nero , the ‘ first without equals ’ : the man who had promised at his succession to model his rule on that of Augustus later boasted of his uniqueness and superiority over his predecessors .
13 ‘ Inspector Cotton is getting uppity , because we have looked at his precious Livesey file . ’
14 Then , just as suddenly as they had grabbed at his throat , the hands released his windpipe and the weight lifted off him .
15 They had declared at his accession , they had repeated often since , that they desired him to reign upon the selfsame terms as his predecessors ; and yet they made him aware , whenever it was needful to ask for a grant of money , that in fact he stood upon ground subtly changed , and must ask as a favour what had been Richard 's unquestioned right .
16 Having finished his dinner the candidate retired to the spick and span little room no bigger than a cubbyhole they had placed at his disposal and , when he had put his thoughts and his speeches in good order , stepped out for a breath of air , a short stroll which led him — as he had known it would — to the newly painted door of Odette Adeane .
17 Like tonight , Parents ' Evening , when they had assembled at his behest in the Staff Common Room overlooking the school driveway to watch out for arriving parents and usher them through to the headmaster 's sitting-room , where the first part of the festivities were to take place .
18 He has lived at his Glebe Farm home for more than 30 years but had not relished fighting for its survival .
19 He has perished at his own hands at the death .
20 Mr Shami Hoad , a heating engineer , who arrived at court with his wife Samantha , told Cheltenham magistrates that he 'd arrived at his home at Alma Place in Gloucester in July last year to find 2 strange men in his house .
21 How much more money might he have had at his disposal ?
22 It was built in the beautiful plum-coloured brick he had used at his main residence of Rycote .
23 When at last a reluctant taker was found he asked to be recalled almost as soon as he had arrived at his post .
24 And there was a second and even more admirable fantasy in which he had knelt at his father 's side , had pressed his clenched fist hard into the groin , quenching the spurting blood , had whispered reassurance into those dying eyes .
25 He had worked at his books in here as a boy , shared port with Sir John as a stripling in his callow youth , sitting across from him before the fire in this male stronghold , deep in the leather chair .
26 George inclined his head and took from his pocket the folded paper that carried the statement he had read at his press conference .
27 When Nathaniel Sherman awoke and saw where he was , he had looked at his wife shamefacedly and agreed immediately to her request to be driven to the imperial capital at Hue where the emperor of Annam was due to celebrate the Tet festival the following day .
28 He had looked at his wife 's unguarded face and forgotten for a moment that life was a deadly game in which you had to keep your cards close to your chest and your back to the wall , your eyes open and your nose clean in order not to end up in the gutter with your hat in your hand .
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