Example sentences of "[pron] have [vb pp] [adv] her " in BNC.

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1 She suggested in that shoddy little newspaper interview that I 'd broken up her marriage … but let's not talk of it , Gregory , please .
2 I had left out her shoes .
3 Perhaps it was sitting in front of an audience that I hardly knew but believed to be very worthy that brought back that old feeling of being a bit of a fraud , particularly when one lady , catching the shreds of my zeal said I had taken away her fear of cancer !
4 I 've looked up her number . ’
5 The numbing cold which had crept up her legs from feet she could barely feel was forgotten .
6 ‘ See your mate 's in trouble again , ’ he said , gesturing to the story which had sparked off her investigation .
7 A daughter who has given up her career will undoubtedly feel the loss of her previous role in the working world .
8 A DARLINGTON artist who has set up her own business is painting for a Prince .
9 I am a woman , and also a writer who has used up her allotment of renown during her own lifetime ; and on those two grounds I do not expect much pity , or much understanding , from posterity .
10 Claire Baines who has spent almost her entire life with one leg in plaster because of a fracture in abnormal bone is one of those who has gained new hope through the technique , known as the Ilizarov frame .
11 Spokesman Peter Titterton cheekily suggested that Princess Di should drive one now she has given up her Mercedes .
12 Well Mrs Toad is having a sale in her shop + + she has laid out her caish + cash register + + an' a number of pots of tea + + it 's gon na be a special sale because + + so she has th' + a sign up saying + prices are slashed + so she hopes lots of customers will be coming along + to visit her + + while she ‘ s waiting for customers + she goes about setting out the rest of + of the shop + + for things in the sale + + an ’ she brings on + large cans of tin + of tea + + for + she can only carry one at a time + so she walks on with one and puts it on the counter + +
13 But then the second girl wails that she has laughed away her whizz powder .
14 She has set up her own training school because she found conventional training schemes offered no scope for the kind of message she wants to get across .
15 I ca n't bring myself to tell her that if she 'd stayed dead her views might have carried more weight .
16 She 'd made up her mind that it was all my fault !
17 Until she 'd made up her mind one way or the other , the last thing she needed was for rumours of an imminent retirement from music to start circulating .
18 No matter how careful I was , Dawn soon had raw patches of skin where she 'd pulled out her feathers .
19 She had loved both her parents .
20 If she will be earning , that will eat into her profits , but she is likely to be more contented than if she had given up her job .
21 She had given up her job the week before .
22 She had given up her hard-earned scholarship to make a home for them — she could n't do both !
23 She claimed that she had invited both her daughter and Neha to go to Marbella with her but Neha was not ready to leave at the same time .
24 She had touched up her hands , ’ said Jane Postlethwaite , ‘ but the pattern was the same . ’
25 There was to be no quibbling , just , ‘ How much ? ’ for she had made up her mind that , no matter what it cost , she was going to have this outfit .
26 The moment Madame Mattli had offered her the job she had made up her mind .
27 She had made up her mind to put the past behind her .
28 She had made up her mind about Dominic .
29 When morning came , bitterly cold and still dark , she had made up her mind .
30 She had made up her mind that her delayed birthday present to her daughter was to be a proper , shop-bought frock .
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