Example sentences of "[pron] have [adv] [vb pp] up " in BNC.

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1 I 'd already given up trying to please my father .
2 But I 'd already started up the spiral .
3 I suppose I 'd better put up the notice . ’
4 I 'd almost given up hope that you 'd ever see me as a girl … a woman .
5 But I 've walked past so many pretty dresses and little socks with lacy tops , I 'd almost given up .
6 I had even made up a 19 foot rod with an astronomical test curve and weighing a ton but it made no difference !
7 I had even built up quite a good knowledge of medical terms .
8 Had she but known it I had already made up my mind to get better , and nothing in the world was further from my thoughts than death . ’
9 I had already made up my mind to join the South African tour when it happened , so it was fortuitous in a way .
10 I had already made up my mind what I was going to say by the time Frankie had rapped on the door .
11 Andy and I had already split up before their thing got going , but even so , it makes you think a bit . ’
12 During this ceaseless pursuit of the right métier for my particular brand of foolishness , I had already pitched up for a Telethon trailer to flamenco dance for the cause .
13 I had already coughed up forty bucks at the door .
14 In fact , I had already picked up quite a lot about ‘ Lucky ’ Lucan and what had happened .
15 Though she had dined with Red Leland that evening and had seemed as pleased to meet him again as he had been to see her , though I had frequently brought up his name since my holiday started , each time she had immediately changed the subject .
16 It felt fragile at first , but it was as if I had finally come up for air after nearly drowning in a pool of lies .
17 I had just stood up , fully clothed by the doorway , when one of the harmonisers stopped with a snort and a wakeful chomp of his lips .
18 All of this was already mapped out in a very decent and proper piece of research that I had just written up .
19 I had just taken up my position behind the till of the kitchen gadget department and the store had been open only a matter of minutes when my first customer literally ran into view .
20 I had just got up , ’ said the cook .
21 I had just got up from my chair when the crash happened .
22 But I had neither stumped up for a bale of fluffy bathroom towels , nor chipped in to the Qantas ticket .
23 I do n't think I had ever watched the dawn break until my Waaf days — certainly I had never stayed up all night before , and however many times I had to do it in the course of my duties , it always seemed to me a highly unnatural procedure .
24 ‘ And what if I had never shown up here ?
25 Now I was about to meet him again , it was as if I had suddenly woken up from a syrupy dream .
26 On the positive side , I drank in moderation and never spirits , and I had virtually given up smoking many years ago .
27 By the time I had almost given up hope , a telegram arrived .
28 He said : ‘ It has been such a long time coming I had almost given up hope .
29 I 've already made up my mind that I want to sign for the Blues .
30 A lot of what 's erm you know , going on now , I mean , is just gon na go off as far I 'm concerned cos I mean I 've already made up my mind .
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