Example sentences of "[pron] have [adv] [vb pp] a " in BNC.

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1 Wilkinson was in no doubt how his team had benefited : ‘ The fact I was able to work so hard with them has definitely made a big difference and helped improve my back four .
2 No-one has yet made a significant case for inclusion .
3 It is going , perhaps , less strongly than it might if the techniques that the laboratory uses for dating pottery , wood and other materials — though no-one has yet found a method of dating metals — were not available .
4 It also turns out that the ratio of proportions is rather cumbersome to handle when dealing with many variables at once , and no-one has yet proposed a way of decomposing it into component effects as they have with d s and with measures based on odds .
5 In his view , it is fallacious to say that Unix costs less per number of users than mainframes because no-one has ever put a large number of users on Unix boxes .
6 ‘ I will show you the only book no-one has ever read a word of . ’
7 She said I ca n't I 've just had a sleeping tablet .
8 The idea that someone has already taken a very close look before choosing the victim shakes them considerably .
9 Squeeze your fist … study the feelings of tension this creates … learn what it is like now to have this experience of tension in the fist … [ after approximately five seconds ] … and now relax … let go of all the tension just allow your fingers to fall with gravity … you may experience a slight tingling effect as the muscles relax … feel the fingers and hand becoming heavier and heavier … feeling as though someone has just placed a glove made of lead on your hand … causing the whole hand to feel heavy , heavy as lead … the muscles sinking down dead weight hanging on the bones of the hand …
10 I 'd taken a year off just before I found out I was pregnant , because I 'd badly needed a break and then I could n't work looking fat .
11 I 'd particularly wanted a female barn owl , because they 're slightly larger and stronger than the males , and with the extra grey colouring or toning of their feathers , I think they 're more attractive .
12 And I 'd just seen a colleague come and go in less than three months …
13 and I 'd just peeled an orange to be honest
14 She was n't worried about her wardrobe in comparison to me having landed on the on the road , which I thought was extremely good considering that she I 'd just demolished a nice piece of her f er a piece of her furniture .
15 I 'd just approached a woman ( who , it emerged , could speak only Mandarin ) , to ask her about the joys of cycling .
16 It was reasonable enough , but I 'd just signed a new contract with the company .
17 " It 's as if I 'd just taken a photograph . "
18 ‘ When I bought this hat , I 'd just had a horrible haircut so it covered up the mistake nicely . ’
19 I remember waking up in the middle of the night with a big smile on my face , feeling really pleased with myself , thinking that I 'd just had a wet dream .
20 I 'd just had an idea for a way of doing Lear and it had brought me luck .
21 I 'd read the various bits and pieces a couple of times now , looking for something deep and mysterious in it all but not finding anything ; I 'd even done a little research of my own , and discovered through mum that dad had some more of Rory 's papers in his study ; she 'd promised she 'd try and look them out for me .
22 I 'd even had a call from the Archbishop of Canterbury , Robert Runcie , who had been kind enough to phone to say that he had been greatly moved by the vigil and had wanted to let me know that the situation was n't hopeless .
23 Not only had I gained the technical degree I 'd been chasing , but I 'd finally achieved a position in a business when I could use that expertise to its full potential .
24 I 'd got a baby — forty-two hours in labour , but I 'd finally got a baby .
25 I 'd also seen a probation person .
26 I 'd also got an injunction against him because he became violent , and that was all right for a bit .
27 In a way it did n't surprise me , because I 'd already had a taste of what he was up to with that land .
28 But even they were n't having anything to do with me any more , after I 'd definitely detected an edge of sarcasm in the person 's voice and lost my temper and started shouting and swearing .
29 I 'd never done an ‘ ouse before .
30 On 24 May 1988 , the last bit of meat went out the door , and an hour later I felt I 'd never seen a T-bone steak ! ’
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