Example sentences of "[pron] have [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Cos I went in this morning I 'd better on the piss last night .
2 I had enough in the end .
3 At the time er well I 've always through the roofing right you you come up against site fore you know site foreman general foreman clerk of works and I I 've always got on well with I can always talk to people .
4 I have right from the first .
5 I 'll use a cheque and hope I have enough in the account back home . ’
6 As I had requested , I had Pauline for massage ; I always find she gives me the best massage I have anywhere in the world .
7 The manager and the members of staff sit down and they agree over the last twelve months which of these bits of training have you had either on the job or as forward training they are ticked off , what do you need over the next six months , let's make a programme .
8 Similarly , checks are made to see you have enough in the current account to meet expenditure .
9 To think of it another way , if you were asked to mend a broken chair you would not use every tool you had just for the sake of showing that you had them .
10 Talk about the dreams you had together for the future .
11 Please do keep telling us of any complaints or suggestions you have either about the Journal or about the way the Society is being run .
12 It is very difficult persuading someone to lend you money when they know that you have never in the past paid it back .
13 Er it 's not due to my expertise at all , it 's just mainly due to the fact we do n't go to shows these days we 've always in the good old days when we used to go to shows we spent probably a hundred and thirty to two hundred pounds a year so we never had very much money as we do n't go to these shows and spend this money it is it is a it is accumulating each year .
14 We 've always in the West used the term Russian nationalist as one of abuse , er and that it seems to me as , because it 's always in the past been associated with empire , Russian nationalists in practice have oppressed other people , but after all why should the Russians not be patriotic just as the British as er a citizen or a Frenchman can be patriotic , er provided that that does n't go with oppressing other people .
15 We 've never in the past looked in detail at the total work content to work out these time units , after all in the past , we 've known what the client wants , we 've been giving him it for years .
16 I 'm virtually certain that the woman from whom we had most of the aggravation had been .
17 ‘ I remember there was some tinned meat we had once in the Store , ’ said an elderly nome .
18 And all the students in those colleges that are studying education have been doing so for awards at the University of Sussex , so we 're actually a much bigger family than the students we have here on the site at Thelma .
19 Now we have here in the studio tonight four people who are vitally and personally concerned with the problems of living in a multiracial community .
20 I mean , we 've had the facilities as we have now in the town centre I mean , it has improved this town immensely !
21 He is God 's first instalment of the future salvation that awaits us ; the part of the future we have now in the present ; the pledge of the fuller life that is to come .
22 Since they are primarily concerned with the rights of commoners , and the Forestry Commission with timber production , there has naturally in the past been a divergence of interest and policy in the New Forest between these two authorities .
23 Business came upon Tudor princes in a continuous stream of the important and the trivial , and they had little in the way of a bureaucratic substructure for deciding matters of executive detail .
24 Suddenly she felt a glowing warmth deep inside ; he could never betray her , could never sell what they had together for the cheap thrill of recounting an old , sordid story .
25 Members held raffles and donated cash until they had enough for the Olympic bar .
26 They had yon before the board at Cranwell , did n't they ?
27 A man they have here in the tank
28 I mean , my sister 's school they have right from the start and er they do n't I do n't think you get a wide enough circle of friends really .
29 Dickens does this by his attention to even the smallest detail of the characters ' appearance , which includes their faces , clothes and especially any odd phrases or physical blemishes they have as in the case of Pumblechook and his , ‘ I have brought you , Mum , ’ and in Melly 's and Herbert 's cases , that of her strong wrists and his pale young complexion .
30 I was going to Grant Development have come here er because they are interested in our views , er I think as far as the access goes I take your point that visibility is required , but I would imagine that that the highways department will have stipulated what is required , as they have indeed for the development next door , er where the hedge , the present hedge is going to be er set back , erm I I ca n't tell you whether , what stipulation has been made , perhaps these two gentlemen
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