Example sentences of "[pron] have done with [art] " in BNC.

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1 This made me aware of how badly I 'd done with the domestic arrangements .
2 What would I have done with a mother who smothered me in love ? ’
3 I would simply place a card with the initials and dates 1921–1939 alongside the material — as I 've done with the other exhibits And I 'd like to place it all between the Danziger and Eberhardt donations . ’
4 No no I do n't know what I 've done with the graph .
5 I 'm not sure what I 've done with the instructions , so it 's it
6 Oh I thought oh I , I , I seemed to remember the Whitney Bay bit and I mean I do n't know what I 've done with the blinking programme last year , I mean they 're all in the magazine rack , but I do n't think that one 's there that was terrific that were n't it ?
7 The best she can do is to try to secure it by non-military , legal means , and this she has done with a fair measure of success .
8 It is worth posing additional questions to promote discussion some that have been found to be useful are : If there had been no problem with the purchase of the bacon-curing business what would you have done with the £500 paid to the accountant ?
9 when the old boy comes round and see what you 've done with the old horse manure , spread some of that around and that 'll make them grow as well
10 We talked about the moths for a bit , and then someone asked what she had done with the mask .
11 ‘ We ( in the USA ) could organise stockholder resolutions and protests about this as we have done with the Nestle company and others on the use of infant formula in developing nations where such distribution has a negative effect on the health of children , ’ writes Dr Chain .
12 But by looking back at the archaic phase of Greek history and forward to later autocrats , as we have done with the Sicilian tyrants , we can remind ourselves that the democratic interludes of Greek history were not merely short but untypical — in Syracuse , Macedon , Cyrene and satrapal Asia Minor one-man rule was normal for much of the period 479–323 BC .
13 If they had , what would they have done with the bird 's skull ?
14 So , as they had done with the relations of production , Marx and Engels tried to show that this state of affairs was not inevitable , but the product of a specific historical development .
15 Moreover , Macmillan managed to ensure that the Americans did not impose a dual key system as they had done with the RAF-manned Thors .
16 It was Sally 's dying wish that he should throw himself into his role as country copper Inspector Reg Wexford — and that he has done with a vengeance .
17 If he hopped into bed with you that night , he was only doing what he 'd done with a hundred and one others . ’
18 The accused had fixed a new glass fibre wing on his car the day after the accident , and he said he could n't remember what he 'd done with the old one .
19 Stephen Ross ( no relation ) , a director with 3i in Birmingham , takes up the story : ‘ We knew Alistair Ross and respected what he had done with the other poultry business .
20 He had no idea what he had done with the diary .
21 He decided to rid the army , as he had done with the party of any possible opposition .
22 As he had done with the Axis in 1940 and the Allies in 1945 , Franco considered that the foreign powers were in his debt and , therefore , that he , not they , should lay down the terms of Spanish cooperation .
23 But er when just before I left the polishing which was in nineteen thirty eight , er they were bringing in a lot of cellu it 's all th a lot of all this modern stuff is what they call cellulose , but I could n't tell you how it 's done , it 's done with a spray .
24 No I 've seen what he 's done with the others .
25 Sid was very cooperative there he did n't realize but he has been he 's spoken very well , we 've talked about all these jobs he 's done and all the travelling he 's done with the
26 Yet to psychologists or physiologists in the audience , the surprise was that simply training an animal on an imprinting stimulus , or indeed any other form of learning , could produce a change of measurable magnitude at all ; they would search our experimental designs for sources of artefact just as rigorously as I myself had done with the ‘ transfer ’ experiments .
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