Example sentences of "[pron] have been [det] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps if I had been more of an expert the differences would have been more apparent , but experts always tend to obscure the obvious .
2 This was the beginning of her determination to learn sign language , which has been more of a boost to the deaf community over the years than any other gesture .
3 It would be unthinkable for you to consider David here , who has been more of a son than you ever deserved … the stepson who stayed by your side when your own son deserted you ; and who even forgave you when his beloved mother died because of your neglect . ’
4 well they were having a biology lesson , she 'd been all about these , they 'd been this biology
5 If she 'd been more of a woman , he believed , she would have meekly accepted his word and left it at that .
6 She stood back , still holding his hands and saw tears appear in the eyes of the old man who had been more of a Father to her than her own Father .
7 ‘ Oh , she 's been that in her time too . ’
8 We 've been all through that we 've got the salaries re-graded and we do n't pay a bad wage now
9 There has been enough of me in your life , child ! ’
10 There has been less of an incentive for capital developments in France and more emphasis on other , more socially desirable policies .
11 Since then there has been less of a general shortage of labour , but rather a shortfall in skilled , rather than unskilled labour .
12 There has been some of the same controversy over the role of the mental handicap hospitals as over the psychiatric hospitals , but on the whole the issue is clearer : they ought to be replaced by smaller units , ranging from hostels and homes to specialist hospital units able to provide intensive nursing for the severely handicapped minority .
13 He assumed the visit must be one of Isobel 's whims , and there had been many of those .
14 Frank confirmed that as a boy visiting relatives in the region there had been many of the old ships still about , so Brian and I decided we 'd go there , then sail down the US coast to the Caribbean , through the Panama Canal and head west to the Revillagigedo Islands which Brian had decided were his .
15 There had been some among their ‘ class opponents ’ , Ligachev went on , who had been praising perestroika , hoping it represented a departure from socialism in favour of a market economy , ideological pluralism and Western-style democracy .
16 A group collecting around the Birmingham solicitor William Bedford invoked the old legal process of ‘ appeal of murder ’ , generally regarded as obsolete ( though there had been several in the eighteenth century ) .
17 I ask you when when you were younger did you would there have been many of the folk in the place spoke Gaelic or was it dying out then or
18 I mean , there have been some in the area , which have n't been that flats as well .
19 For this reason , mistakes in the LBO boom have caused more fuss than mistakes in the merger boom of the 1960s , even though — so far at least — there have been fewer of them .
20 He reacts strongly to any suggestion — and there have been several over recent months — that his emotional ups and downs are part of a manic-depressive syndrome .
21 Most of the philosophy of the transcendent is from the East , but there have been those in the .
22 There have been those in positions of authority who have expressed doubt about the possibilities of this normativist project .
23 He had left her and gone to live with an upper-class woman , had soared to the opposite end of the scale from Josie , whose attraction for him had been that of a splenetic victim from the lower depths of the goyim : but Josie had refused a divorce and the ordeal had dragged on .
24 But they had been few in number .
25 In recent years the Employment Department and the Department of Trade and Industry have been responsible for appropriate interventions but they have been more of a fire fighting nature than a sustained development of policy and role — which in any case , has not been the way government departments have tended to behave since they are organised to implement government policy in the immediate rather than long term .
26 It has been more of a blessing than a curse .
27 When the boy had first come to the house he 'd been more of a child and had naturally been treated as a child .
28 This door was closed too carefully , perhaps too stealthily , for it to have been any of Haverford 's doing .
29 Teachers who claim to have been highly involved also claim to have used a wider variety of methods and feel more competent to conduct the review , believing it to have been more of a whole-school effort , more thorough and more useful in producing proposals for change .
30 Medical men had perforce to be botanists , and often gardeners as well , and in time medical knowledge came to be the perquisite of the European religious orders , as it had been that of the priests in the time of the Egyptian pharaohs .
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