Example sentences of "[pron] have not [vb pp] his " in BNC.

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1 Now I 'd not seen his work before , that 's partly because I 'm in Brighton and not in London and do n't get up that often perhaps , but he has hardly shown in England , whereas he 's very well known in Europe , using Europe for the Continent .
2 I have not inherited his talents . ’
3 His part in the murder proceedings had attracted unwelcome publicity ; the tabloid press invariably referred to him as ‘ the Shropshire Sherlock ’ , a nickname which had not afforded his rustic constituents much pleasure .
4 It is never — or perhaps only on occasion — the fault of an individual who has not done his job conscientiously or with an adequate standard of service .
5 Davies , who has not renewed his contract as ITV 's sports presenter , is one of 17 whose names appeared on ITV Sport 's credits who have jumped ship this year alone .
6 ‘ A guide who has not encountered his own passions , his own inner conflicts , who does not truly know his darkness and his light , will be of no value in the spiritual battle . ’
7 ‘ He is a smashing , modest lad who has not shown his full repertoire yet .
8 There is no time limit for the submission of proofs but a creditor who has not proved his debt can not benefit from any distribution of the bankrupt 's assets .
9 She had not spilled his blood before .
10 It looked as though she had not fractured his skull .
11 She had not acknowledged his cheerful greeting that morning , but had , nevertheless , put the dinner invitation safely away in her bag .
12 ( She had not liked his ‘ famous blue raincoat ’ either ! )
13 She had n't really believed him , but so much of her new life had still to make sense to her that she had not challenged his statement .
14 She felt smugly satisfied that she had not fed his ego by asking what he did in London , or any of the other dozen or so questions it looked as if he had been bracing himself for .
15 He knew that she had not enjoyed his homecoming or the renewal of a sexual life ; throughout their married life he had been at home for only a few weeks at a time , and she had been free to make her life as she chose .
16 She had not slept with Ivan , nor ever would , but was deriving a secret satisfaction from the knowledge that present at her party that night would be all the men with whom she had ever slept : or all save one , and he had been from another country , and she had not known his name .
17 She had not expected his mind to contain this kind of landscape .
18 She had not removed his hand from her arm , or let her arm fall to make his hand fall too ; so he moved his hand to cover hers .
19 But Riven tripped on a shadow , and would have fallen if she had not caught his arm .
20 In front of him was Chernayev who had not practised his trade of thieving for seventeen years .
21 He turned to Shaw who had not ceased his manipulations of the keyboard .
22 William Wallace of Elderslie , son of a Renfrewshire landowner , was one of the lesser gentry who had not put his name to the document of submissions , known as the Ragman 's Roll because of the ribbons dangling from its seals .
23 And detectives believe there could be as many as 100 Courtney victims who have not reported his attacks .
24 And his six goals in his four games while on loan to Coventry City have shown he has not lost his knack .
25 His hair cutting is as good as ever — he has not lost his touch .
26 Said Gooch : ‘ Alec has never let England down as wicketkeeper , but he has not maintained his batting form when doing it .
27 But because he has not disowned his book , himself applying the match and hoisting it aloft on a stick , his gestures have done him no good .
28 ‘ Again he has not honoured his pledges .
29 He has not forgiven his mother .
30 He has not seen his wife or their three children since July since he can not afford to travel home to Banchory , near Aberdeen .
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