Example sentences of "[pron] have also [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 The problem this poses for the educationalist is formidable because , as well as designing curricula that will help the surveyor cope with future changes , he has also to provide the basis of a training experience to enable him to cope with contemporary practice .
2 It has also to keep the Gulf safe in the future , and protect the world 's access to oil .
3 Any use of force , according to this view , had to do more than hold the lines on the battlefield ; it had also to allow the Bosnian government the chance to fight and retake territory it had lost .
4 Not only had the farm to generate a living wage but it had also to provide the necessary capital for reinvestment in the business .
5 He had also to tackle the technical problems of bringing two curriculum systems into one entity .
6 Pollage , Package , Stallage , and Standage ’ , but as the king 's representative he had also to enforce the law and maintain the peace at the fair .
7 If her father had told him that he had also to hold the rod in his hand and drop the line into the water she would not have been surprised .
8 But like the risen Christ , he had also to prepare the faithful for his disappearance from the world .
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