Example sentences of "[pron] have do to [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Then it 's something someone has done to you yes ? ’
2 well they were always against me , well Bill was during the war , what I 'd done to them , finished all the decorating , put shelves up , go on the slate to put his aerial up , he would n't go up , I had to climb out my bedroom window onto the gutter and its a wonder I did n't kill myself then , put his aerial up and
3 She did n't ask what I 'd done to my hair .
4 Now what shall I have done to my hair ?
5 and I did something strange to is and it became X to the six , what would I have done to it .
6 ‘ I had to play bigger points from the back of the court because I had to be more relaxed because I was worried about what I had done to myself , ’ he said .
7 By giving me a little he was showing both concern for me and his determination that I should pay materially for what I had done to him .
8 And aye , I know what I 've done to her .
9 I know what I 've done to you .
10 I know what I 've done to it !
11 He also told her about what she 'd done to his balls .
12 ‘ What could she have done to you ? ’
13 From then on I began to interpret each nocturnal sound as a footstep or as a bolt sliding back , and in the misery of the night I turned round and round in bed , my nightdress winding itself tighter and tighter about me , while a little voice inside me complained , ‘ I tried to do right , and now look what you 've done to me .
14 ‘ Bully , ’ said Angela , speaking very earnestly to the alsatian , ‘ here 's your chance to make up for the naughty things you 've done to me .
15 ’ I says , ‘ Tell the sergeant what you 've done to me .
16 A friend of Soon-Yi said : ‘ Mia would wake her daughter in the middle of the night and scream at her : ‘ Look what you 've done to me — how could this happen ? ’ '
17 I 'll never forgive you for what you 've done to me . ’
18 ‘ But look what you 've done to me . ’
19 And then do what you 've done to me .
20 ‘ If he went now he would see all his previous life here as a waste of time , and in a way he is wreaking vengeance on his mother by being embittered and something of a failure — saying , look what you 've done to me . ’
21 My Dad used to say , ‘ Now look what you 've done to your mother , ’ and if I answered back , he would start pelting things at me — plates , cups , his dinner , the carving knife , and once a picture of Jesus floating up to heaven with a lamb tucked under each arm .
22 Can you just tell us what you 've done to your entrance pricing for your various entertainment centres and also can you tell us why the Canadian profit 's almost doubled in the year ?
23 He 'll soon get over the damage you 've done to his ego ! ’
24 The tissue , look what you 've done to it !
25 If a wife reported the matter to the police , her children ‘ might resent what she had done to their father ’ .
26 And peered into his face , as she had done to him as a child , searching for signs of fever .
27 Even after all she had done to him .
28 It did n't matter how old she was , or what her personal wishes were , when her father saw what she had done to her hair he would undoubtedly try to murder her .
29 As she had done to her teacher yesterday .
30 Matters then came to a head and after dropping her baby the mother was distraught about what she had done to her child .
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