Example sentences of "[pron] have be [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 Nobody wanted to be cruel enough to hurt me because they thought I was so vulnerable at that time and I really wish I 'd been told that I looked disgusting !
2 I went through a period of depression erm I 'd been attending the doctor I 'd been told that I was suffering from various illnesses , but nothing helped .
3 Not only have I never been mobbed at Sainsbury 's but I had been assured that the likes of Sheridan Morley and Julia Mackenzie would be giving their all .
4 I had been told that the new drug had side-effects .
5 In 1980 , coming back from a hospital in the States where I had been told that I ought to have an operation ( interestingly on my throat — it was as though all the tension caused by what I could not say was caught up there ) , I saw that I had to be free of this .
6 I had been told that the Asaimara inhabited Bahdu and Aussa while the Adoimara occupied the rest of the country .
7 At Bilen I had often asked what happened to the Awash , curious to find out why this large river never reached the sea , and I had been told that it ended in a great lake at the foot of a mighty mountain called Goumarri in Aussa , where apparently there were many lakes , great forests and some cultivation .
8 I was not very worried as I had been told that the school was very good .
9 I had been told that er he 'd made threats against his wife and er his wife was living with somebody else at that time and he 'd made threats against him .
10 As I said I I had been told that er he was associated with and they had been planning ar armed robberies in the past .
11 Although I had been informed that the present French artists were low in merit , I did not expect to find them , with little exception , so totally devoid of it .
12 I 've been taught that if things are n't going your way and they never do all the time when times are tough and you 're a bit low in confidence , it 's up to you to pick yourself up off the ground .
13 I 've been taught that if things are n't going your way , and they never do all the time , when times are tough and you 're a bit low in confidence , it 's up to you to pick yourself up off the ground .
14 ‘ Now I 've been told that I 've lost my place and I 'm very disappointed . ’
15 I 've been told that a 486SX machine is faster than a corresponding 386DX machine .
16 I feel I 'm just regarded as a neurotic woman I 've been told that by Mr I 've found that is was very yes I have do n't deny it .
17 I have n't been referred to a rheumatologist , as I 've been told that I 'm very young and prone to worrying too much about becoming disabled .
18 I 've been told that these big old country houses are beautiful .
19 " I want you to go away , because I 've been told that Timothy is in love with you .
20 I 've been told that prices go to the publishers six weeks before publication , but in this instance the price had changed three months previously .
21 You know , I 've been told that I do n't like women .
22 I 've been told that men do n't like women , period .
23 Any subject er three seems to suit , all odd numbers , funny enough , seem to better than o even numbers , I du n no why , but erm maybe I 've been told that by so many judges I begin to believe it .
24 Now I 've been informed that I have £200 rent arrears .
25 We are urgently searching for a set — I 've been informed that some surviving sets are twisted — and if it means that we have to look abroad for a new set in Poland than so be it !
26 Maloney said : ‘ I 've been informed that Lennox 's share will now be 75 per cent .
27 We 've gone back quickly so I 've been informed that build that 's definite starting on the twentieth of March .
28 I have been assured that the décor will be completed by the end of July , so we shall be able to keep to the schedule we have arranged and open in September .
29 I have been informed that the autochoke is a rather vintage type .
30 However , I have been informed that some , even most , regions of British Telecom disregard the instruction .
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