Example sentences of "[pron] have [adv] been [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I think perhaps the top clubs like I do n't I 've never been there .
2 I 'd already been away since I was nine , ’ Philip retorted .
3 And had known , took , took part in every one , right up I 'd never been away out of the town in the time the was on .
4 I 'd never been very good at big lies , and the thought of living one terrified me , but it was important that not only I , but the baby , should have some self-respect about its origins .
5 I was skinny but I 'd never been so healthy in my life .
6 I 'd never been there but there would have been a terrible fuss if I 'd taken off to Roundhay Park or Woodhouse Moor or somewhere .
7 I 'd never been abroad before , so it was a wonderful gift .
8 Dusk deepened until I could no longer see ten yards ahead , and after I 'd knocked the shaft of the arrow against an unseen hazard twice within a minute I stopped and sank slowly down to my knees , resting my forehead and the front of my left shoulder against a young birch trunk , drained as I 'd never been before .
9 When finally the daylight came , I was somewhere else I 'd never been before .
10 And Alice was saying well I 'd never been before , I did n't know it were that cheap .
11 And I 'd always been there , by his side .
12 I 'd only been there about five minutes when they came to escort me off down to Bleak House , where I was stripped naked and given a blanket and put into a cell .
13 if I 'd only been there when he died , I 'd of hold his hands , blah , blah , oh God , poor lass
14 as if I 'd only been half awake before so no wonder I could n't do anything . ’
15 I said this was the first time I 'd ever been there .
16 But we ca n't haunt places we 'd never been to , which is a bore for me , because I was so young when I died I 'd hardly been anywhere .
17 she said she was gon na ring me back , but you see I have n't been here this afternoon so I 'll perhaps ring again tomorrow .
18 Because I had n't been around much , I had n't been away from home
19 Ooh I thought he was going to , ooh I felt made me go cold and I I thought if , if I had n't been here on my own I 'd have been very tempted to go round and and say is there anything I can do .
20 Before getting into bed I went into the large bathroom beside her bedroom , where I had n't been before .
21 If I had n't been so snowed under I 'd have phoned myself , and you could have reminded me .
22 If I had n't been so besotted and obsessed to the point of madness I 'd have called the whole thing off ! ’
23 I wished later that I had n't been so shy .
24 I had n't been there for more than a minute when the skipper bellowed : ‘ This is melanoma country , mate .
25 He 'd walked into the boathouse and tried to pick up an envelope and the floor had given way beneath him and a piece of beam was missing , and if I had n't been there with him he would certainly have drowned in the dock , impaled on something lurking beneath the surface .
26 If I had n't been there , Russell would have hit her .
27 I had n't been there from the age of seven without learning what went down in Roundhay .
28 I had n't been there long .
29 What would you be doing at this moment , if I had n't been there
30 I think , if I had n't been there , she 'd have gone to sleep right away .
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