Example sentences of "[pron] have [adv] [prep] her " in BNC.

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1 She has little in her mind or in her mouth other than platitudes .
2 Burma is fortunate in that she has enough for her own needs , though she was only just able to ensure this during the last harvest .
3 Apart from which , she has enough on her plate at the moment .
4 She has always in her thoughts her parents ' mean condition and I shall do nothing for them , at least at present , because I will keep the girl humble .
5 I doubt she has ever in her life packed a suitcase !
6 BELVILLE : I have often observed in married folks that the lady soon grows careless in her dress , which to me shows a slight to her husband that she had not to her lover .
7 She had much on her mind .
8 She had enough on her hands trying to bring up the boys , and the simplest expedient would be to get the little girl down to Frome , where her deceased husband 's sister and brother-in-law , William and Sarah Chinnock , could provide her with a decent upbringing .
9 She had enough on her plate .
10 For starters , she had enough on her plate with Jonathan and her disillusionment with him , and , for a second thing , she was as uninterested in him as he was in her .
11 It was not only because he wanted no extra work that the husband had tried to persuade his wife she had enough on her plate without insisting on a birthday party for their four-year-old .
12 Right now she had enough on her plate with the club and the house — she simply did n't have time to contend with him too .
13 When she 'd finished she got her bag and anorak , checking that she had enough in her purse for bus fare , and let herself out the kitchen door .
14 ‘ Christ ! ’ she said , and the next moment , forgetful of her own safety , she had Maggie in her arms , shushing and soothing as she had never in her life done before .
15 She had never in her life undressed in front of a man — not even a doctor .
16 Clara was staggered and bewitched ; she had never in her life seen anything like it .
17 I mean , Diana herself has never in her lifetime uttered one statement that has been of any use to any member of the human race . ’
18 The girl laid her had briefly against her cheek .
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