Example sentences of "[pron] have [adv] [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 I had nowhere on our journey to and from the horse car seen the man with the gaunt face .
2 I had much on my mind , and I wanted to ponder over my problems , real or imaginary .
3 Well d' ya know what I have n't to your place yet , the , fireplace .
4 Then , waving aloft a sheaf of papers , he uttered the famous lie that was to catapult him into the limelight for four years : ‘ I have here in my hand a list of 205 names that were made known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping policy in the State Department . ’
5 ‘ Well then , suppose I have here in my pocket a paper that shows where Flint hid his treasure , ’ said the doctor .
6 IT MAY surprise readers of this column that I have never in my life voted Conservative at a general election .
7 I have never in my life looked forward to starting a diet , but by the end of my holiday I could n't wait to get back on it to maintain my slimmer figure ( with every other diet I have put weight back on and more ! ) .
8 I have never in my entire life seen so much crap ( wheeeeeeee ! ) .
9 ‘ But then , I have never in my life known a single headmaster of whom that might not be said . ’
10 Before dealing with the many points raised by right hon. and hon. Members , I propose to say something about Wales but , before doing that , I should point out that I have never in my life before spoken from one doughnut to another .
11 I am an elected representative of the people of Northern Ireland , three thousand three hundred of our people have been murdered , that 's the equivalent of a hundred thousand people in Britain , it is the responsibility of every elected representative to do everything in their power , everything in their power , to stop that , The least responsibility that they have , the least they can do , is enter into dialogue directly with the people involved and I apologize to no-one for that , and if anybody is telling me that I 'm tainted because I do that , you know , I do n't know what sort of minds they 've got , because I think it 's our responsibility to do everything in our power to bring this violence to an end , and what 's more , what I 'm doing has massive support of ordinary people on both sections of our community because I have never in my twenty years experienced the nature of the support and the way that it 's being expressed to me by people in the streets , by telephone , and in particular by
12 I have never in my life , in public or in private , in earnest or in jest , either called or even thought myself a fascist .
13 I have never in my entire business life experienced such a ridiculous state of affairs .
14 And unless we can find in the end a proposition or set of evidence en which has somehow in its own right the probability 1 , all these probabilities will have nothing to rest on .
15 She has little in her mind or in her mouth other than platitudes .
16 Burma is fortunate in that she has enough for her own needs , though she was only just able to ensure this during the last harvest .
17 Apart from which , she has enough on her plate at the moment .
18 She has always in her thoughts her parents ' mean condition and I shall do nothing for them , at least at present , because I will keep the girl humble .
19 I doubt she has ever in her life packed a suitcase !
20 What basis what did you have therefore for your assessment that forty one thousand two hundred was okay ?
21 BELVILLE : I have often observed in married folks that the lady soon grows careless in her dress , which to me shows a slight to her husband that she had not to her lover .
22 She had much on her mind .
23 She had enough on her hands trying to bring up the boys , and the simplest expedient would be to get the little girl down to Frome , where her deceased husband 's sister and brother-in-law , William and Sarah Chinnock , could provide her with a decent upbringing .
24 She had enough on her plate .
25 For starters , she had enough on her plate with Jonathan and her disillusionment with him , and , for a second thing , she was as uninterested in him as he was in her .
26 It was not only because he wanted no extra work that the husband had tried to persuade his wife she had enough on her plate without insisting on a birthday party for their four-year-old .
27 Right now she had enough on her plate with the club and the house — she simply did n't have time to contend with him too .
28 When she 'd finished she got her bag and anorak , checking that she had enough in her purse for bus fare , and let herself out the kitchen door .
29 It was just a bedsit she had early in our marriage when we parted for a while .
30 ‘ Christ ! ’ she said , and the next moment , forgetful of her own safety , she had Maggie in her arms , shushing and soothing as she had never in her life done before .
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