Example sentences of "[pron] have [noun] for [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 In response to some implied criticism I made of his treatment of the sub-editor , Porua regarded me in a sneering silence and then said , ‘ Why should I have regard for my fellows ?
2 He said I had chips for my dinner .
3 When I learned your probable identity , and knew I had Kirtlington for my neighbour — ’
4 Laura , who until a few weeks ago was unable to eat solid food because of her liver and bowel condition , added : ‘ I had Frosties for my breakfast . ’
5 The hon. Gentleman and I may have some disagreements , but I have respect for his command of basic arithmetic .
6 Sometimes I have coke for my dinner .
7 First , it explains the nature and purpose of creation , which has implications for our view of the physical universe , our attitude to work and the objects of economic life .
8 Edgar Schein developed four models of individuals in general , which have implications for their roles in employing organisations .
9 Reynolds , painting , and the arts which have beauty for their object . ’
10 Do you have tools for your upright cleaner ?
11 For my father 's part , he accepted Jane 's presence without question ; and she had consideration for his duodenal ulcer , and looked up to him as head of the household , and fitted in like the rest of us .
12 Indeed , one CIA report claimed that she had contempt for her elder son , for she felt he was unworthy of his father , and that she had actually plotted to put Ali Reza on the throne .
13 The Bar Services Committee and its Information Technology Sub-Committee aims to be responsive to the needs of the profession , and members of the Bar who have suggestions for its future work are encouraged to write to the Secretary with particular proposals .
14 This is the most spectacular section of the Dee , its steep confining walls fringed by dense woodlands and its rocky bed much too rough for the passage of walkers not addicted to hard labour and who have respect for their clothes .
15 You should not be made to feel inferior or unusual because you have respect for your considerable responsibilities .
16 Do we have competition for our Pest Control Services ?
17 We had respect for our parents , police and clergy .
18 Members ' news items are relatively scarce , so please do n't be shy , we have space for your own special story of what , how and why …
19 then in the afternoon we have pancakes for his pancake races
20 They had time for their economic activities and were free to choose the form of payment for their other work .
21 Those who held forth in the Royal Institution in the second half of the nineteenth century , or who addressed large audiences at the British Association or its equivalents in other countries , were confident ; and they had reason for their confidence .
22 Teachers of English offered more substantial criticisms of the literature chapter , and I have to admit that on occasions they had justification for their worries .
23 The course is based on the principles of self-help , hence clients are reminded that they have responsibility for their own problems and for changing their own behaviour .
24 Those with more goods than they have need for their own consumption will sell to those who have insufficient goods for their needs .
25 It has very little that anyone covets , so the Hashemite Kingdom has no choice but to woo the traveller ; to see that he has ice for his drinks , a soft bed , a flushing loo and a dash of Bedouin mystique to add zest to his package-deal .
26 But if that is the depressing conclusion , then it has implications for our treatment of conventional criminals .
27 Expert determination is not a type of legal proceeding like litigation , which has a formal and highly regulated structure , nor does it have machinery for its supervision by judges as does arbitration .
28 If he has no regard at all for the welfare of patients , does he have regard for his job security ?
29 And it was pink paper and at the top it had space for your parent 's signature so that when you 've done the work your parents had
30 He had time for his garden , time to talk to his Stratford friends , time to play with his granddaughter Elizabeth .
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