Example sentences of "[pron] have [verb] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Yes it might I 've seen it spelt both ways .
2 Someone has to experience it to know to the full how you feel .
3 but when it come out me mouth , as soon as I said it I thought you should n't speak to people to people like that but I 'd said it had n't I ?
4 I 'd heard it said that th the development of this site has been in the development plan for twenty years
5 I opened my eyes eventually and took the compass out of my jeans pocket , where I 'd stowed it to have hands free for standing up .
6 I 'd watched it happen at school .
7 I 'd slave my guts out on a case and think I 'd got it settled and a week later the woman would turn up in my office with the same dreary tale .
8 I 'd heard so much about the blinking cruise being in October and not in September that I 'd considered it done and June , fool that she is , chose not to challenge me outright because her tactic is to suffer in silence until her suffering spills from her like lava , devastating everyone in its path .
9 D' ya know I 'd forgotten it 's got dirty beads on .
10 But that 's OK because at least he never mentioned it was a mess until after I 'd had it cut , and tidied it up .
11 But in the end I had to do it did n't I ?
12 ‘ The general feeling of being on cloud nine once I had completed it has lasted , ’ he told ACCOUNTANCY , ‘ and has provided a very welcome psychological boost . ’
13 Right away I had to leave it to answer the telephone .
14 because I had seen it painted twice
15 I had seen it happen at close quarters because I am his caddie .
16 " Some dogs do get over it , Wes. i did n't tell him that I had seen it happen only once .
17 The WS286 was a nice machine that served me until September last year when , sadly , I had to replace it to make more room on my desk .
18 Much later , searching my memory , I thought I had heard it say in deep and melancholy tones , ‘ Here , fellow outcast from society , if thou canst survive this night , draw strength from one who did not ! ’
19 ‘ But I got so depressed I had to have it cut short .
20 The thing is , we ordered it went back in the afternoon and it was cut and put on the side , I had to have it did n't I ?
21 I had to concede it had made compelling reading , from an historical point of view , but I did not anticipate referring to its pages again , not in present circumstances .
22 so I wanted to try and go for the C C Q , this is it , this is what we 're gon na ask you and of course it did n't work but I had to try it to see .
23 I had to retrieve it to write this and they are lining up already for its release .
24 Basically , I did s , well if you want a technically but I 've said it comes out of the er , identified savings of the Chief Executive 's department as already ma er made .
25 No I I well I 've accepted it includes
26 I 've kept it bottled up inside me for so long . ’
27 I have accepted part of it , and I 've amended it to ensure that we can overcome the criticisms er that would have been involved if we 'd left it er as it was , er and above all , and I think this is the most important thing , we 've made sure that it will work , er and that it will meet our objectives of getting competition into the franchises , if we 'd just ended up with one great monolithic British Rail , after all each franchise remember will be coming gradually , they wo n't be doing them all at once , there will be one next year , several the year after , and so on , if British Rail had been able to go around and pick them off , and say , Well we can run this now in the future much better than we 've done it in the past , so we 'll bid , and we 'll bid a low bid , that really would n't have been getting fair and proper competition into the system , so what i what I 've done is ensured , as I 've done all the way through in this bill in accepting amendments , that we make sure we achieve our objectives , and that above all it 's workable , the , as it was it would n't as it was the Paignton amendment would n't have been workable , because there would have been total chaos and confusion
28 Oh I 've not , I 've seen it advertised round
29 I 've seen it advertised how cheap it is and I thought of you .
30 How long since I 've seen it loose ?
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