Example sentences of "[pron] have [verb] at that " in BNC.

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1 as a pension , so if I 'd retired at that point , and then worked part time
2 Two fingers I had waved at that driver as he thundered past me , cursing me through the open cab window and fighting the wheel , and those two fingers I now regretted having on my hand .
3 ‘ And even though most would have been quite happy to get where I had got at that age , I believe that a man is nothing unless he believes he has greater possibilities .
4 and I , I 've felt at that time and since I went on too early .
5 I have laughed at that thought many times these are the things to remember .
6 She 'd laughed at that and resisted the urge to cuddle him in front of one of ‘ the lads ’ and had gone .
7 His supporters were also quick to remind others of her opposition to the principle of referenda in 1975 , circulating copies of speeches she had made at that time .
8 Before you can change your child 's behaviour you have to look at that behaviour very closely .
9 I mean , I think tha that you have to look at that .
10 That 's that 's right , I mean I I I would suggest that we 've arrived at that point now , and we 're increasingly likely to do so , because as we 've already heard York is very constrained , it 's it 's it 's a relatively small , compact , historic city , the greenbelt boundaries are drawn fairly tightly , correctly in so in in my opinion , and there 's really not much room for manoeuvre within with er in a existing settlements within the greenbelt .
11 Erm now the periodic table , we 've looked at that before and it 's the if you knew the periodic table and where everyone fitted in , every all the elements fitted in or you if you had a copy , you could very intelligent guesses .
12 I have n't told you how to d I 've told you how to change one third we 've looked at that have n't we and we and we 've worked out sort of how many twelfths would be in it and things like that .
13 So we 've looked at that .
14 We must have done because they talked , as we drove , of common friends we had had at that time , but I remembered none of them — or only a name , here and there .
15 When we , we using B H C vaccine in eigh er , late seventies , early eighties , erm , that caused problems because we had residues left in the meat , and the French amongst others found it as well , so there were , there were problems there , and the Ministry went over to organo-phos or to organo-phosphorus dips , they were the only alternative that they 'd got at that er , time .
16 So the net earnings of the of the office , coming back to nineteen ninety , ninety one , er were fifteen million , they 've dropped to fourteen point four million in ninety one , ninety two and hopefully this year , they 've steadied at that and maybe will increase a small amount to fourteen point six million .
17 The ratio of girls to boys going to university fluctuated from 70 per cent in 1925 ; 50 per cent in 1937 ; 47 per cent in 1950 ; 50 per cent in 1960 ; 66 per cent in 1973 ; and it has remained at that level since .
18 I think Stan if he 'd looked at that situation again would probably have wanted to go at the first defender an and gone and gone up the left side .
19 His hands were careful and restrained , his mouth tender , and although only a very short while later , Cassie was to realize just how much self-control he had exerted at that moment of their first real physical contact , for those few minutes , she knew only that she was not afraid of him , nor even suspected that there was any need to be .
20 For months he had been haunted by his memories of the battle of Toulouse ; reliving the bowel-loosening terror he had felt at that last conflict of the last war .
21 Usually he was in camouflage smock and holding an A.K. at the hip , and would probably have knocked half his pelvis off from the recoil if he had fired at that angle .
22 She could see that he was searching for the right words , the very thing that would describe what he had felt , what he had experienced at that moment .
23 He had smiled at that .
24 It had not been as he had dreamed at that time with the beloved of his youth : fame and glory , honour and victory .
25 point of view when the information 's been com when so it 's coming in and being sorted it is better that it 's done at that particular time
26 And it stays like that throughout , so the baby does not use its mechanism to control the temperature , it 's kept at that constant degree of warmth and it 's only when the baby comes out that it has to start looking after itself .
27 Erm and er but he 's worked at that you see , but he does n't get any money for it I do n't think .
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