Example sentences of "[pron] in [noun sg] [that] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Lady Thatcher left nobody in doubt that she disliked public transport in all its forms .
2 ‘ But I have to warn you in advance that I 'm not a very good dancer .
3 Its label tells you in French that it is guaranteed unpasteurised and made using malt ‘ d'orge de culture biologique ’ .
4 ‘ There 's something in butter that we need for our sex drive .
5 Yesterday , his uncompromising conclusions left no one in doubt that it did .
6 I was the one in hide-and-seek that you never came looking for and I hid for hours from no-one … .
7 The trouble is I 'm trying to keep everything in order that we need .
8 As the time approached for me to concentrate on my matriculation , I decided to offer Charlie the opportunity to buy out my share of the partnership and even arranged for a qualified accountant to replace me in order that they could take over the book-keeping .
9 Previous to the Revolution Ras Tafari expected daily that he would be imprisoned which , in his opinion , would have been the equivalent of a death sentence ; and accordingly he confided his will and all his available money to me in order that I should arrange for its transmission to the Bank of England in trust for his children .
10 Partners have to reach a common understanding of good learning environments and of the conditions which produce them in order that they may jointly promote them .
11 It was a look so burning and intense that it had left her fearful and uncertain , and it was only by immersing herself in paperwork that she had been able to recapture some of her habitual calm .
12 Father ’ , it is the Spirit himself bearing witness with our Spirit that we are children of God , and if children then heirs , heirs of God and fellow-heirs with Christ , provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him' ( Rom. 8:15ff ) .
13 As the recently-formed RAF Museum was still several years away from having its own permanent display building , D'Arcy persuaded the Air Historical Branch to release PA474 to him in order that he could properly restore it and keep it under cover .
14 The technical department provided a base for him in order that he could pursue Technical Studies over and above normal classes .
15 But next time you 're with a man warn him in advance that you like to change your mind , and play the tease , or there could be trouble . ’
16 He gazed at her in silence that she took for acceptance .
17 He 'd put his mind to it that he would n't , you know this he had it in mind that we were going to work for this thirty pound a week less , take it or leave it .
18 They can have a lot respect for the women who are working against male violence and we can just keep it in mind that we 're moving towards , not the same place , but roughly speaking we have the same visions .
19 Right , any time you read a story , whether it be religious or science fiction , or whatever , in which somebody is taken out of one body and put into another body erm and the story goes , and then was turned into a pig , or whatever , erm , presumably that author has it in mind that you can still identify , that same guy , first in one body and then in the body of a pig .
20 In fact I had it in mind that she might be trained up to one of the women 's auxiliary services which justified themselves so splendidly in the last war — the WRENS , I mean , of course .
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