Example sentences of "[pron] and it [is] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If our tunnel vision sees only disconnected fragments , the fault lies within ourselves and it is in remedying that ignorance to which our main efforts should be individually devoted .
2 ‘ There is a feeling of deliverance within me and it is as if she and I had stopped being two , and were united for ever and ever . ’
3 When the signs are the same if they 're two pluses you add them and it 's plus if they 're both minus you add them and it 's minus here you take the smaller from the larger and give it the sign of a larger .
4 and erm , he 's got in the , in the fabric one he 's got double doors and all the rolls of carpet and erm , he 's got a table in there and obviously to make a cup of tea , got a couple of beds in there cos he 's sold them and it 's like a big warehouse and erm all around there there 's a big concreted area , you know , and er all these units and that 's where we , we reckon it is .
5 ‘ But he has not accepted them and it 's within his rights to do that .
6 When the signs are the same if they 're two pluses you add them and it 's plus if they 're both minus you add them and it 's minus here you take the smaller from the larger and give it the sign of a larger .
7 ‘ All right , well I have told you that the facts are for you ; you have seen all the witnesses in the case , you have heard them and it is for you to assess their evidence and to decide which of them you believe , if any , which of them you disbelieve , if any .
8 It should also be noted that there is no covenant or warranty implied that the premises are legally fit for the use for which the tenant intends using them and it is for the tenant to satisfy itself in this regard .
9 And learning together as we 've been reminded more than once than this morning engages us all irrespective of age , irrespective of experience it engages everyone and it 's worth emphasising that the quality of learning does not depend upon the size of a congregation !
10 ‘ I know Thomas 's legal status is important to you and it is to me , ’ she said , in a rapid jump of track .
11 Your social worker is there to help you and it is in the best interests of your child for us to work together .
12 Not only is Jesus the only saviour but he 's also a presence saviour not for the future or the passed , but he is there now and he says now , Paul to the Corinthians now is the acceptable time , now is the day of salvation , not to be put off , not to wait until you 're older until this is settled and till that 's done and you 've had this experience or that experience , now is the accepted time , he is the presence saviour , he is not a saviour for you tomorrow , you do n't know what tomorrow will bring but he is a saviour for the present for now , also he is a complete saviour in Hebrews seven twenty five he is able to save forever , those who draw near to God since he always lives to make intercession for them and finally not only is he a complete saviour , but he will actually save you , not the person beside you , do n't worry about that he will actually save you , there in Romans chapter ten , thirteen , for whoever , for whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved and so the invitation 's to you and it 's to me , it 's to us as individuals , are there a few that 's gon na be saved .
13 Every moment then has significance and an aura of delight surrounds everything and it is as if he had found a rare wellbeing and joy .
14 Nevertheless , the topic is undeniably an important one and it is worth sketching in the legal rules .
15 Yeah well I 'm , I 'm gon na try and get the final year lecture for Tuesday sorted actually on Saturday and erm it 's usually , it 's usually Guy but I think I 'm doing it this week , yeah , because I 've got quite a few to do on things like racist in the media and Guy 's mate Dennis has just written a book and he 's given me a manuscript of it and it 's about how racist psychology is which is
16 and it 's got like a , a metal thing that comes from it and it 's on a pivot
17 You 've got to keep on at it and it 's like , like us ,
18 seen like a border in perhaps like a bit of pink and bit of grey on it and it 's like sort of scalloped edging
19 And now everyone 's talking about it and it 's in one way it makes you gnash your teeth that that we 're not getting the credit yet
20 Well I then remembered that we 'd seen it and it 's in the grounds .
21 Well , let's look for a few moments this morning at one such incident when Jesus did do it and it 's in er , Mark chapter four , I want to read a few verses from there , Mark chapter four .
22 But the threat of sanctions imposed by the United Nations is at the back of his mind , ‘ We have discussed it and it is of great personal interest to me as I would n't have a job .
23 Erm it has been suggested I think Naomi 's saying on this side of the room that if there is an element of bad taste because the baby is chained up or whatever and it 's in er has had to be placed in an undignified or uncomfortable position in order to be photographed and Naomi 's question .
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