Example sentences of "[pron] and she [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 and they 're going in my neck but I do n't wan na turn over cos she 'll fall off the bed and I 'm sort of going just on me and she 's really funny .
2 ‘ I had a friend with me and she was quite upset . ’
3 However , the London season was almost upon them and she was more cheerful than she 'd been for weeks .
4 Some girl 's going out with a boy , he zipped her tent up over them and she was so shocked she pulled her trousers down by accident .
5 She and she was just furious .
6 You and her were just sitting there . ’
7 But she 's not for you and she 's certainly not for me .
8 ‘ I was really nervous because I 'd never kissed anybody and she was really nice .
9 ‘ She thinks her friend is making a fool of herself and she 's seriously worried about her . ’
10 It 's begun to count with her and she 's still young .
11 She 's marvellous , and Debbie put her back out once , I phoned her and she was here in about three minutes
12 Often the glutton in Diana got the better of her and she was frequently told off for dipping her fingers into pans filled with gooey sauces .
13 Then fitzAlan mounted behind her and she was immediately aware of the unyielding strength of his body against her back , the restrained power in his hand on the reins .
14 For the next moment he was kissing her and she was instantly realising that nothing quite so exciting had ever happened to her before .
15 She had filled out a little since Sarah had last seen her and she was no longer drab .
16 ‘ Going out in front of two thousand kids like that was difficult for her and she was very nervous about it .
17 He held the door open for her and she was very careful not to touch him as she passed .
18 out of shit and she oh had a different bloke in her flat every night and you never , you , if you ever wanted to see her that was the one really annoying thing you could n't really go and see her and she was hardly ever about .
19 Alain lifted his head and looked down at her and she was still staring mesmerised into his dark eyes when a voice she knew already spoke almost in her ear .
20 She had quite expected him to stop the car on the way home and make a grab at her and she was all prepared to cope with it , had her little speech ready about what a wonderful evening she 'd had but at the moment she was concentrating on her career and did n't really want to waste time on that kind of thing .
21 She had lived too long for random encounters to bother her and she was always grateful to the Holy Spirit when He sent something unusual to stir the convent to life .
22 The memory of all the things she had said to him came back to her and she was suddenly scared .
23 She knew she had will-power when she chose to exercise it and she was still conscience-stricken over her outburst regarding Alison .
24 His life was not like hers and she was simply an outsider who had been forced to come here .
25 Thereafter they fend for themselves and she is quickly into preparation for her next litter .
26 I know we had one lady erm lived underneath us and she was really very nervous and you know erm hardly came out of her flat at all .
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