Example sentences of "[pron] and [pers pn] thought [pron] " in BNC.

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1 did n't know it was two parts , till I and I thought what a funny way to end , I mean are they dead
2 If some i Well well you could I mean if you went out with someone and you thought they were pretty naff talking to the employer again six months later and say , Oh they 're a lot better .
3 Then she lifted her great eyes to his and he thought he detected a mixture of fleeting emotions : resolution , appeal , defiance .
4 ‘ The other is for Rachel , Flo 's wife in South Africa , because I knew he would n't get round to doing it himself and I thought she 'd like to be able to show their little daughter a picture of her father doing something responsible and public-spirited for a change . ’
5 The article made a deep impression on me and I thought what a wonderful coastline it would be to explore .
6 knew exactly that he was talking about me and I thought what ?
7 He said yes Mrs well then he followed me in the kitchen , stood behind me and I thought what the hell 's he hanging about for , I 'm gon na take it to him and the , his son- in-law was there
8 Then I tried swimming , but what with the current and the fucking cassock — and then bang I got hit in the ribs like someone had kicked me and I thought I was a goner , it must be a rock I thought and I gave up and sort of passed out .
9 She looked at me and I thought I saw something stirring in her watery blue eyes but it was just a random current fizzing somewhere .
10 did he say for me and I thought I was going to go
11 Teacher : You were coming towards me and I thought you were going to run me over , Peter .
12 I did n't understand what ‘ interest ’ was but she 'd been kind to me and I thought she would be kind to others and help them .
13 I could n't even raise my leg behind me and I thought it was a sign to give up .
14 me and I thought it might be alright , but on second thoughts Where 's that little blue case ?
15 ‘ Sam 's going to a new school , ’ Bella said , and time was oddly foreshortened in Albert 's head so that two or three minutes of silence passed between them and he thought it only a second .
16 It 's the first day I 've been with them and I thought I do n't know .
17 But on the day he came to the TWW studio to be interviewed , he brought her with him and I thought what a shy , pleasant girl she was .
18 I did n't tell you about this monster because I was afraid you would kill him and I thought I could handle the matter .
19 and I 'm , I 'm brassed off with him and I thought I 'd know that mug face , it 's Maureen
20 I knew he was there , but I could n't see him and I thought he was unaware of me .
21 And I looked at her and I thought you ca n't say that !
22 In the end she saw the giant fish-hooks come down down into her and she thought they would haul her out of the depths , but they did not .
23 She floated between dreams and fits of consciousness , then she saw Philip leaning over her and she thought someone said , ‘ You 've got a lovely little boy , thanks be to God … ’ but it did n't seem real .
24 Er we thought we could work to it and we thought we had a different rule for timekeeping er and we did n't check the calculations .
25 and we had er , I mean we had a bright orange swivel chair and when that came out it was called the Orbit or something , something really weird and it had a big back on it and we thought it was great I mean , I think it 's awful now , some of the things we had , I 'll have to try and find some photographs cos I 've got a case full of photographs upstairs
26 The steam was so thick that she could not see through it and she thought she was alone in the room .
27 I , I says , I 'll let you know sometime today or tomorrow and er anyway , he was expecting me to say at least two or three or four weeks you know er because I 'd put the situation I had no tools , no nothing and erm I er had a look at it and I thought what I could do , and I says I can let you have them in a week .
28 in the she kept speaking about him as tho , as though he was all , you know , still alright , and that was just so funny the way she said it and I thought I must n't laugh cos that er , i she does n't intend to be funny with it at all !
29 not having an arch , I thought about it and I thought I do n't think it 'll in here .
30 The only one I would mention Chairman is not strictly accurate , we all did , lots of us anyway , the , the British Legion service on Sunday at the church and I just wondered if we could agree to send a letter to the president cos once again a lot of effort and time and organization went into it and I thought it was an excellent occasion and I think he might appreciate
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