Example sentences of "[pron] and [pers pn] [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 When sleep threatens to take him from me yet another time , I remind Crilly of a line from the film Drugstore Cowboy , in which the heroine says , ‘ You never fuck me and I always have to drive ’ .
2 My GP visited me and I still have the drawing he did of the cancer they had found in my kidney .
3 In those areas people can see what Labour councillors are doing for them and they only have to look at what Labour councillors are achieving locally and they will transfer their votes to labour for a national election ’ .
4 The first thing they will then discover is that all the other grown-ups in the room tower above them and they actually have to crane their necks to look at their faces .
5 She , she can re do them and we just have , microwave them when , as and when .
6 Someone comes up to you and you only have to say you 're not interested in drugs ; sooner or later they 'll leave you alone because they 're too busy trying to find a £5 deal to bang up with in the evening .
7 If you 've tried everything and you still have problems , do n't despair .
8 The claim that they and they alone have The Baptism with the Holy Spirit , in contrast to water baptism which marks the rest of Christendom , and the conversion which figures as largely in Evangelical theology as does confirmation in Catholic .
9 His widow said yesterday : ‘ Money started coming in for a Denholm Elliott Project without me appealing for it and we already have several thousand pounds from British donations as well as £5,000 from Ibiza , where we lived .
10 Everyone knew this , but only the Japanese acted on it and they now have a ten-year lead in robotics .
11 big like gun in like a staple thing it was , but it was a la , it was an extended one , fitted inside this rubber hose and then , clamp it and they only have a little bit of stomach left so they ca n't eat proper meals
12 I took it and I still have it . ’
13 And I I ca n't understand it and I still have n't got to the bottom of the reason why is doing , seems to me to be doing a lot of work herself
14 ‘ I 've still got belief in myself and I still have confidence in my own ability . ’
15 I I do n't think myself and I still have an open mind and I do n't think that the Labour case erm adds up to be perfectly honest .
16 Whatever the reason , can the committee make a public statement regarding this lack of publication , as another climbing season is upon us and I still have no answers to give my customers .
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