Example sentences of "[pron] be good [prep] them " in BNC.

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1 Again David may have learnt a valuable lesson — children need to learn how to select friends who are good for them .
2 It was Fred Wilton who devised the theory that if carp were offered HNV baits over a long enough period , i.e. through extensive pre-baiting , they would eventually recognise that they were good for them , and seek out these baits in preference to low protein types such as bread , worms , potatoes or , indeed , even natural food .
3 But we 've got a young side at Cardiff now and it 's good for them to play against these players , to see that they 're only human beings after all . ’
4 It 's good for them .
5 I mean it 's good for them learning to be amongst a lot of children and they soon learn that erm they ca n't have their way .
6 It 's good for them though .
7 It 's good for them .
8 It 's good for them !
9 I do n't think it 's good for them moving them about from school to school do you ?
10 Yeah it 's good of them
11 Commitment to sport has to be freely given ; it has to be fun ; it can not be foisted on to the poor or the wayward from above because it is good for them .
12 They do it so rarely that it is good for them .
13 The daily ritual of meal-times , for example , may often contain a wealth of deliberately and non-deliberately imparted information for the child , in part confirming his status as a child ( children should be seen and not heard , children should finish their cabbage because it is good for them ) , in part defining the stages of growing up ( older children sit on ‘ proper ’ chairs , drink out of ‘ proper ’ cups , and use knives and forks ) , and in part defining and reinforcing certain adult identities ( father carves the joint , mother brings food from the stove ) .
14 Although I hated the very idea of selling things to people who might not want to buy them ( even if it was good for them ) I made quite a few sales , the main commission deriving from the sale of a Group Insurance Scheme to 32 men from the Times-Herald staff .
15 I think it was good for them .
16 The EastEnders star said after the show in Portsmouth : ‘ It was good of them to come — someone had to . ’
17 It was good of them for them all to come out and do all them drills .
18 He was good at them , linking all the stories together with more gum and spit , reintroducing the characters with , ‘ You know that bad bad man who was caught naked in the bathing hut ? ’ , as in a wild soap opera , until he knew that at the end of her day spent sucking on dusty brain juice , her maddening mouth would inevitably say , ‘ Hey , Changez , husband or whatever you are , do n't you know any more about that politician geezer that got thrown into jail ? ’
19 Take our kids away from us because you reckon you know what 's good for them better than what we do ?
20 I do n't bother people and they had best not bother me if they know what 's good for them .
21 To be for animal welfare , as distinct from merely being against animal cruelty , is to believe that we have a duty to improve the quality of animal life , by ensuring — so far as this is possible — that other animals are the beneficiaries of what is good for them , not merely that we should avoid being cruel to them .
22 If the people at Chesky know what is good for them , they will give ‘ Wild Earl ’ his head and record whatever he wants : there is almost no other pianist around playing his kind of repertoire with his kind of zest .
23 The punters , who have by now learned what is good for them , have not been opposing him .
24 looking at the main views on offer about the proper focus of RE and ; 2. setting out a possible rapprochement between these approaches which tries to bring together what is good about them , and add what they all tend to omit .
25 If they knew what was good for them they 'd be raising their panamas quizzically , glowering under the brims of their fedoras , flourishing their tweed caps and tilting their trilbies from morning till night .
26 He told supporters what was good for them .
27 1 Can you remember any particular books you liked when you were very young ( before you started Juniors ) ? 2 What were they ? 3 How much can you remember about them ? 4 What was good about them ? 5 Do you have any especially happy memories about reading in those days ? 6 Or any especially unhappy memories ? 7 Did learning to write help your reading ? 8 Talk about your first experiences of reading with a friend and write down all the things you can remember .
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