Example sentences of "[pron] be just [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 I am just not the type to keep playing tennis at 28 or 29 , ’ the 23-year-old revealed yesterday .
2 ‘ I suppose I 'm just not the maternal type , ’ she ended up , lamely .
3 ‘ I 'm not nervous , ’ says Dolores , ‘ but I 'm just not the type of person who goes out and can say ( adopts hysterical Lita Ford persona , clenched fists raised to the sky etc . )
4 I 'm just not the marrying kind . ’
5 That particular guy was the first person out , then I was just about the second out .
6 We started off about a year ago , looking at recycling that 's available in which is just basically the paper , cans and glass out at the park car park .
7 We have a form of presidential government in which she operates like a sovereign in her court ’ , which is just about the most toughly worded formulation of the case for Mrs Thatcher as Queen Boadicea driving a chariot of conviction politics through the conventions of collective Cabinet government .
8 Furthermore , liking the bulbs for dividing is bound to disturb the roots of the roses , which is just about the worst thing you can do to them .
9 And it 's al you always think , it 's a real anti-climax because you , you 've made so much thing about getting ready and getting there and when you when you do finally arrive there you 're just exactly the same as the million others .
10 ‘ I know , I know , it 's early days , as you said — but you 're just not the type to let him go this far if you had any serious doubts . ’
11 You 're just about the same height
12 ‘ In fact , making love to you is just about the very last thing on my mind at the moment . ’
13 There was no sense in even trying to tell her cousin — again — that she was just not the stuff that men went wild over .
14 I , we 're just about the middle of the road with it er ,
15 I think the other feature of the system is — and I think people generally do n't realize what a remarkable it is — we 're just about the only country in the world that has this system , and we are remarkably successful in involving ordinary members of the community in the administration of justice , both in our lay magistrates system and in our jury system .
16 There are just about the right number of ladies to infuriate the right-thinking and to make effective use of primary colours as highlight and contrast ; Kate Hoey in lime , Gillian Shephard in vivid egg custard , Alice Mahon in a fetching cerise , Glenda Jackson in a decent , sombre , high-necked red , Margaret Beckett , that oldtime leftist , even had a floor-cross royal blue .
17 With a television series there 's just not the time for that , and it can often become very much of a routine .
18 Inspector Neville Oughtibridge , of Wakefield police , said : ‘ The job of policing the town centre has been made easier because there 's just not the amount of money around there used to be .
19 No , there 's just not the scope .
20 They were just about the only times we set eyes on them , ’ she went on .
21 This one has got just about every secondary school in Oxford , county secondary school on it , so it 's just where the schools are really .
22 It 's just just the word that 's all .
23 Up to now I 've always resigned myself to rented accommodation , but it 's just not the same is it .
24 ‘ We could replace the rings , but it 's just not the same . ’
25 It 's just not the
26 In fact , it 's just about the complete opposite of the way that I do things .
27 There 's nothing linear about it at all ; it 's just about the vibe of the place , the people , the way they live , the way they feel .
28 So it 's just about the right time
29 Right now it 's just about the most serious little piss-pot of a frog pox-factory in the whole world . ’
30 I said yes automatically — it 's just about the best Pakistani restaurant in town .
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